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Modele matching enhancement?

Herby GORE 1217546

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Herby GORE 1217546



I'm wondering if it is possible to use FSX default liveries (world travel, boeing livery...) instead of the default white planes?

The best would be to have vpilot to randomly select liveries among those availables in FSX. Any way to do this?


I use UT2 and some planes are not available with this modele set. I think about the Concorde for instance.

Is there a way to use the planes installed as add-ons in FSX? I'm afraid that this would kill the fps but I think it would still be better to have a good modele matching with a hit on the fps than to have a A320 flying at Mach 2!

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Ross Carlson

You can make model matching rules that will use any model you have installed.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Herby GORE 1217546
I'm wondering if it is possible to use FSX default liveries (world travel, boeing livery...) instead of the default white planes?

The best would be to have vpilot to randomly select liveries among those availables in FSX. Any way to do this?

I made it

The trick is to modify the "FSX Default Aircraft.vmr" and edit the lines for the planes concerned (B738, B747, A320 and CRJ7). Here's a copy of the lines I changed:

  <ModelMatchRule TypeCode="CRJ7" ModelName="Bombardier CRJ 700//Bombardier CRJ 700 Paint1//Bombardier CRJ 700 Paint2//Bombardier CRJ 700 Paint4" />
 <ModelMatchRule TypeCode="B744" ModelName="Boeing 747-400//Boeing 747-400 Paint1//Boeing 747-400 Paint2//Boeing 747-400 Paint4//Boeing 747-400 Paint5//Boeing 747-400 Paint8//Boeing 747-400 Paint9" />
 <ModelMatchRule TypeCode="B738" ModelName="Boeing 737-800//Boeing 737-800 Paint1//Boeing 737-800 Paint2//Boeing 737-800 Paint4//Boeing 737-800 Paint5//Boeing 737-800 Paint6" />
 <ModelMatchRule TypeCode="A321" ModelName="Airbus A321//Airbus A321 Paint2//Airbus A321 Paint4//Airbus A321 Paint5" />

I've changed the name of the file after, removed the original rule sets from vpilot and added the modified vmr file thanks to the "Add custom file(s)" button. It worked beautifully.

With this, when vpilot injects a default FSX plane, it will be depicted with one of the default FSX livery randomly selected.


Still one small problem: this trick doesn't work when vpilot cannot find any match and thus use the default aircraft (A321 for FSX). Is there a way to have the default vpilot aircraft with a FSX livery?

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Ross Carlson
Is there a way to have the default vpilot aircraft with a FSX livery?


You can change the default aircraft to any model you want. It's right at the bottom of the Model Matching tab in the Settings Window.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Herby GORE 1217546

Is there a way to have the default vpilot aircraft with a FSX livery?
You can change the default aircraft to any model you want. It's right at the bottom of the Model Matching tab in the Settings Window.
Got it but will it work if I enter this in the text box: "Airbus A321//Airbus A321 Paint2//Airbus A321 Paint4//Airbus A321 Paint5"?
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Ross Carlson
Is there a way to have the default vpilot aircraft with a FSX livery?
You can change the default aircraft to any model you want. It's right at the bottom of the Model Matching tab in the Settings Window.
Got it but will it work if I enter this in the text box: "Airbus A321//Airbus A321 Paint2//Airbus A321 Paint4//Airbus A321 Paint5"?


No, it'll only take one model. If you really want to have your default model chosen at random, just create a new rule set with an empty callsign prefix, and an empty type code, and the // separated list of defaults. Make sure this rule set is the LOWEST priority in your list.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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