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Another EuroScope wish..

Phillip Powell 1062160

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Phillip Powell 1062160



I've been using ES for about 18 months now and it's brilliant. I find it easy to use, even on tower.


One problem I have found lately is that the controller list gets too big, and I'm missing seeing other controllers come on line.


Yes, I should see the ATC announcement, but that doesn't always happen!


I know I can filter the list by position type, but that's not sufficient. Is there any way of being able to select a group of controllers? I'll give an example.


I control Liverpool tower (EGGP_TWR), so I would prefer to see only the following:




What I actually get is various European controls, all the EGTT positions, all the London positions, Liverpool, Manchester and ocasionally various radio positions too. My range is normally 40nm.


Recently when controlling Liverpool I gave Manchester tower a heads up about traffic transiting between Liverpool and Manchester, and he politely told me that EGCC_S_APP had been online for about 25 minutes. I hadn't see him in my controller list but did see him a couple of minutes later.





EGGP_TWR 126.350


Old PID 849479

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Jonas Eberle


wonderful idea and, similar to the VRC-POF-files, very helpful.

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David Saunders 818672

this does exactly the same as the VRC POF, its just a matter of pressing the buttons to turn off what you dont need. I am confused as to why your seeing european positions.


Try setting to 20 miles, I am sure that will reduce your visibilty to what you see, as you dont need more than that anyway for a tower.

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Phillip Powell 1062160

Hi David,


Yes, it is the same as the VRC-POF, but in Euroscope I can only work out how to turn off all the ATIS, or all the ground positions etc.


I want to be able to see my own ground controller, EGGP_GND but not Manchester's EGCC_GND.


Also I'm not sure reducing my range will be of much use. Yes it would get rid of EGCC_GND because we are 22nm apart, but then only if his range is less than 22nm as well.


I think it is the range of the other controllers that causes the problem. For example last week I was seeing at least 4 continental CTR positions and a Russian FIS, so I'm [Mod - Happy Thoughts]uming their range was set to a value that covered Liverpool.


Obviously some of the "overlapping" controllers need the range to handle their sectors, perhaps in a certain direction. I would just like a way to be able to filter them out.






EGGP_TWR 126.350


Old PID 849479

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Stephan Boerner 945550

Phillip, you are missing the point


It already works exactly like it works in VRC. There is just one difference: in VRC you were probably using a pof file with only those positions that were relevant to you. That's why you were seeing less controllers. The functionality is 100% the same.


Now you are using the global EGTT file with all positions relevant for any of the EGTT positions.


It is not a matter of range, and it is not a matter of ES doing anything different than VRC. It is just the data in you pof/ESE file. It might be possible to talk about some kind of filter for related stations, to have ES compare the callsigns or something like that. But definitly not for the upcoming release, so You will have to try to arrange yourself with the current situation.

Stephan Boerner

VATEUD - ATC Training Director

EuroScope Board of Designers | GVCCS Beta Tester


EuroScope Quick Start Guide

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Phillip Powell 1062160

Hi Stephan,


Yes, absolutely correct, I am missing the point. To be fair I'm not at all critical of Euroscope, I wouldn't use anything else now.


Ok, I don't want to see EGTT_S_CTR but I will have to put up with it as it is defined in the ese file. The same for EHAA_CTR, I accept that. What I find hard to understand is why my controller list gets filled up with positions like EDWW_A_CTR?


He's not defined in the EGTT ese file, as he's not in EGTT, nor listed as an adjacent sector.


I appreciate that these things take time, and I wasn't for one minute trying to get something added to the next release. Just a little (not so little) thing to make life easier for an old gimmer like me.





EGGP_TWR 126.350


Old PID 849479

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Jonas Eberle
What I find hard to understand is why my controller list gets filled up with positions like EDWW_A_CTR?

I heard (not confirmed) that setting multiple visibility centers sometimes confuses the servers so that this position is seen anywhere in the world. That could be the reason why we often see African stations (that indeed need to use multiple vis-centers) in Europe.


I would like that this useful idea is not forgot anyway (after the next release, sure). My suggestion would be:

*) One further square box "M" (for "my positions")

*) Left click toggles (like the other position filters)

*) Right click opens a dialog with one StringField where stations can be added (similar to VFR squawk codes in the settings)

[*) nice addition: using * as wildcard]




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Gergely Csernak



If you are using a global ESE file with all positions defined then at the moment you can not filter out non-interesting controllers. But if someone is not in your POSITIONS section then checking out the last "U" will hide them.


EuroScope developer

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Phillip Powell 1062160



Thanks very much for that. I hadn't realised the significance of unidentified stations.


So unidentified stations are those not included in the ese file, and hence have a numeric SI rather than a three letter identifier.


I've added my adjacent ground controller position to the ese file so it has become identified, and it works perfectly.


Presumably I could modify my current generic EGTT.ese file to have only those position I want and then just rename it. Then use U to turn the unwanted positions on and off.


Thanks again,






've modified the original EGTT.ese as I said above. Removed all the adjacent sector positions, plus all the UK positions that I don't want to see.


Now with U filter off, I see the controller list as normal, apart from the fact that they now have a number SI, and with filter on I only see what is left in the ese file.


Exactly what I wanted.


Thanks again.

EGGP_TWR 126.350


Old PID 849479

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