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Back-up of current FS9 config?

Ingo Harders

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Ingo Harders

Frequently I read the advice to re-install FS9 when encountering certain problems. I have done this process once and cringe at the thought of having to do it again. By the time I re-install all payware, all add-ons etc a week goes by. So my question is this: Is there an easy way to back up FS9 complete with ALL add-ons etc on a DVD? ( I realize my PNW Megascenery will not fit, but that would only be one extra prgm to install).

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Owen Catherwood 903683

Grab the FS9 folder, the My Docomeents->Flight Simulator Fiels folder, and c:\Docomeents and settings\application data\Microsoft\FS9 (or flight simulator 9 -- You'll need to turn on invisible folders in XP to see the application data folder), those should be all you need. Then after installing FS and patching it, just copy the data from the DVD into their respective folders and you'll be set to go

KZSE C3/Facilities Administrator


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Ingo Harders



Thank you very much.I will give that a try.

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Owen Catherwood 903683

just as a note, this may not apply for add-on modules such as FSNavigator, Activesky, or FSP[Mod - Happy Thoughts]engers, as they have their own registry entries, and for these it would probably be better to do a fresh install on the new machine.

KZSE C3/Facilities Administrator


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Ingo Harders



Correct. That is my problem. I have all kinds of add-ons which I track now by spreadsheet. Still it makes it very time-consuming in case of necessary re-install. Again, thanks for your help. Much appreciated.

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