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FSX has slowed down drastically

Robert Bressert

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Robert Bressert

On Saturday (20th), I flew three 2 hour flights, and FSX loaded up and ran normally. I didn't use the computer on Sunday except to check Email, and surf news sites. Yesterday I tried to load up FSX and it took forever to load up. Once it did, my frame rates were 2,3 fps. Really slow. I rebooted the computer and ran FSX several times but the same results.


I haven't loaded any software are made any changes to any files.


Has this happened to anyone? Does anyone have any suggestions how I could diagnose this? I thought about restoring XP to a Saturday restore point.


I certainly cannot fly the way FSX is running right now. I'm grounded!!!!

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Robert Bressert

I don't know if the pseudo-Fsinn update notification has anything to do with this. This notification started about two weeks ago every time I'd open FSINN Control Panel in FSX.

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Robert Bressert

Well, today, with no changes on my part, FSX is running normally!


Sometimes, I'll tell ya', I just want to pull my hair out! But, it's working, that's the important thing.

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Darrol Larrok 1140797

FSX often gives me unusable frames for no apparent reason. Usually a reboot fixes it.


Remember to disable anti-virus before running FSX, and if possible start your add-on planes as cold and dark. I don't know why, but when I don't I get bad frame.

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Robert Bressert
FSX often gives me unusable frames for no apparent reason.


Tell me about it! Right after I reported in this thread that FSX was running normallyagain I took off from KDEN for KORD. Everything was running fine until I was landing. On a visual approach to KORD I had to juice the throttles a bit before touching down when all of a sudden I got the stutters and then a brief freeze. The plane crashed! I was so bummed. Almost two hours in flight and then to end that way!


On another note....what's this about disabling anti-virus? How is a computer protected when anti-virus is off?

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Hunter Belanger 1129358

This hapens to me a lot. I downloaded FSX Acelleration and it was so bad I coulden't do anything so I uninstaled it. It got better but I still had trouble so I deleted all my addon aircraft and scenery I didn't want and it whent back to normal!! if you have any free addon things I would get rid of them.



Hunter Belanger

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Robert Bressert

I don't have Acceleration installed. Graphics Card doesn't support it.


Addons? A couple of airports. KORD. KSEA. KSTL. KCVG. That's it.

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Robert Bressert

Well, I hated to do it, but I uninstalled FSX and installed FS9.


Now to find the updates to airports, fine tune things, etc.


I really like FSX better, but it was just acting up too badly especially when landing.


I will go back to FSX when I purchase a better computer.


Thanks for all your input folks!

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  • 2 months later...
Larry James 901346
I don't know if the pseudo-Fsinn update notification has anything to do with this. This notification started about two weeks ago every time I'd open FSINN Control Panel in FSX.


Hi, Robert. I used to have days (or sessions) where FSX would crawl when connected to VATSIM and other sessions worked fine. Performing the steps provided in the FSInn/VATSIM FAQ (linked in the FSInn Installation sticky in the FSInn Help forum) for performance resolved that issue for me.


I believe some of the problems had to do with the amount of connections (some of planes might have been a hundred miles out of visual range, but they affected performance).


I don't know if the pseudo-Fsinn update notification has anything to do with this. This notification started about two weeks ago every time I'd open FSINN Control Panel in FSX.


This annoyance also affects your performance. It’s also addressed in the FAQ. You might best read the short list of questions to see which ones might apply to the annoyances you’re having and let us know the results.


-- L. James



L. D. James

[email protected]



  • Not a regular post, but a special
thread/message stuck to the top with special meaning… containing important forum information.


For FSInn/VATSIM issues, please test the FSInn Installation sticky and linked FAQ. It really works!

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Charan Kumar

Robert, the airport vehicles range affects FPS extremely. They don't come into view until you get close enuf to the airport and after that they are a night mare. Before I did all the tuning, even my system which is a farily decent one could not handle the airport vehicles (and also road vehicles in general)

When is your next Flight||VATSIM HitSquad Member, ZOA/ZAK/GANDER/P1


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