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can anybody explain me...

Nenad Potic 1157940

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Nenad Potic 1157940

can I give some information from i.e. airline L617? Is it means something or that is just a sign of air "road"?

and how I can know how much the length of way I moved when I am not in range of VOR (I mean without DME). IAS and chrono, then calculate .. bla bla... but does exist another way? thanks

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Ivan Kovacevic 920456

An airline is a company that flies planes. An airway, on the other hand, is similar to a conventional highway. Take E75 highway for example. It's a long stretch of road from somewhere up north on the Scandinavian peninsula down to the south of Greece, p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ing a dozen cities in several countries along the way.


Now, lets [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ume you want to drive from Novi Sad to Belgrade (both on the E75) - your drive plan would be NOVI SAD -> E75 -> BELGRADE. In other words, you're taking the E75, using Novi Sad as the entry point and Belgrade as the exit point.



Very similarly, there's an airway called the N732. Let's [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ume you want to fly from Belgrade to Podgorica (two airports that N732 is usually used for). You'd use Valjevo (VAL) as the entry point, and Mojkovac (MOJ) as the exit point, so your flight plan would be VAL N732 MOJ.




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Thomas George 827476

Beautiful explanation

Thomas George

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Nenad Potic 1157940

jasno mi je sve to sto si napisao, nego sam mislio da li, recimo, u N732 N znaci nesto? ili 732, svejedno. Izvinjavam se za glupa pitanja unapred, nov sam u ovome. a toliko sam zagrizo za ovaj FSX i toliko imam pitanja da mi se sudaraju u glavi pa ne znam u momentu ni sta prvo da pitam. pre svega, hvala na odgovoru. a da bih leteo "on line" da li mi treba kupljen FSX ili moze ... I ako znas koliko je cena, otprilike, red velicine me prvenstveno zanima. da li je ovo "on line" letenje potpuno samo hobi i ljubav prema letenju ili rezultati sa VATSIM-a mogu nekako pomoci na putu ka realnom letenju? hvala na odgovorima. pozdrav sa gorepomenutog E75 (doduse malo juznije sam)

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Thomas George 827476

...and whilst I'm sure that Ivan is quite happy to help you, it's easier for us to help you if you write in English. If you would like to integrate better with the Serbia and Montenegro community on VATSIM, there website can be found at http://scgvacc.net/ and I'm sure that Darko Pajic and his team will gladly help you as much as they can.

Thomas George

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Nenad Potic 1157940

sorry for language

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Thomas George 827476

It's no problem, we can just help you better if it's in English.

Thomas George

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