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PTT problem

Ty Zerep 1167508

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Ty Zerep 1167508

I have tried everything i could possibly try to have tower hear me but they don't , i can hear them and all my lights are green, need some help...

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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

what key do you have set as your PTT? some keys are not good for use as PTT as some automatically repeat. i'd recommend the left or right CTRL keys. theyre out of the way and you wont use them at all for anything else as you still have the option of using the other side for whatever you do need to use one for.


also check your mic volume, make sure its not low


another obvious but often missed option, make sure you dont have the mic muted, especially if you can mute it from your headset.


another you can test. go to your Start > Accessories and look for the audio recording program. try recording yourself and see if its able to record you. if it cant, then you need to check your audio devices, especially the headset. if it can, then make sure you have your FSINN settings set correctly, make sure you have select your input/output devices in the control panel (traffic signal thingy) aswell

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Ty Zerep 1167508

thanks i have been trying caps lock, alt , and ctrl, but im going to try recording myself , haven't tried that yet,,, thanks

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Ty Zerep 1167508

Ok I just tried the recording and its loud and clear, any other suggestions???

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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

in the FSINN control panel, check your voice options. make sure you have set your audio devices, also check the volume sliders on it

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Larry James 901346
I have tried everything i could possibly try to have tower hear me but they don't , i can hear them and all my lights are green, need some help...


Hi, Ty. You're describing a problem with your FSInn pilot Client. I would suggest that you visit the FSInn Help forum. Look at the Please Read sticky in that forum. There are two messages in the bold item #1 of that sticky that will resolve any issue that you could have with FSInn and VATSIM.


Follow specifically the steps provided in the second of the two messages (the FSInn/VATSIM FAQ). Use the format of the bold item #3 of the please read sticky with your update and you should have your issue resolved in no time.


Thanks in advance for testing the published steps. If the would fail in your case, I would consider this important to know. So far it has never failed.


Again, the most important component is the format of the bold item #3, that is to say, making a reference to how you performed the provided steps on your computer. This way we can see where you're going wrong or what you're missing.


-- L. James



L. D. James

[email protected]



  • Not a regular post, but a special
thread/message stuck to the top with special meaning… containing important forum information.


For FSInn/VATSIM issues, please test the FSInn Installation sticky and linked FAQ. It really works!

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