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MSFS and Windows 7 64Bit

Grant Bonsant 1163630

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Grant Bonsant 1163630

Is anyone running either MSFS FX or F9 on a 64 bit Windows 7 install? Just curious before I go through all the h[Mod - Happy Thoughts]le of installing either of those and having it not work.



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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

many users on here are. im still on XP myself


just keep in mind there may be a few little extra things you may have to do, like running some things as administrator, etc.


as far as FS and vatsim software, you should have no issues. if you do run into something, supports available here all the time. you may want to check support for your payware addons tho

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Darrol Larrok 1140797

Works fine, just run as admin.

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matthew smith

I use fs9 with windows 7 64bit and don't have any problems!!

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Ian Oliver

FSX + UTX Europe + FSInn on W7 64bit ... runs like a charm!


What processor and graphics card do you have and how much memory...?



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Larry James 901346
Is anyone running either MSFS FX or F9 on a 64 bit Windows 7 install? Just curious before I go through all the h[Mod - Happy Thoughts]le of installing either of those and having it not work.




The only issue I experience is the UIAutomationCore.dll issue. It's resolved by placing a Vista version in the FSX root folder. I wouldn't recommend tampering with the installed one. It could cause issues with other applications that use it. But having a Vista UIAutimationCore.dll file in the FSX root directory will resolve FSX's compatibility issue, whereas it searches first the install directory before grabbing the systemwide version.


You can get the working Vista version for the download section of http://flightsim.apollo3.com .


As far as anything else, as others have mentioned, the only differences I see if better performance.


-- L. James



L. D. James

[email protected]



  • Not a regular post, but a special
thread/message stuck to the top with special meaning… containing important forum information.


For FSInn/VATSIM issues, please test the FSInn Installation sticky and linked FAQ. It really works!

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Rauno Maisa 1018208

The most probability of an error would be yes, as told, the UIAutomationCore.dll problem and also you might encounter some bugs with Wilco/FeelThere aircraft, but those are quite minor.

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Grant Bonsant 1163630

well, I installed FSX and installed the 2 service packs. I'm impressed by the scenery, but I STILL find the aircraft lagging.....when I change any parameter(alt/heading/etc.) It seems a little slow to react. Same with turns. The exterior of the aircraft and the scenery looks good....but I find the interiors don't look very spectacular. I have pretty much all my settings to max as well.


I'm running a quad core 3G with 6GRam and an ATI HD5series videocard, so I expected things to look a little more amazing than they do....so I'm kinda disappointed at this time.

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Rauno Maisa 1018208

It might take a little bit of fiddling with the settings and the default aircraft don't look good anyways. I am running a 4870x2 with a quad@ 3.2ghz and 4gigs of ram and everywhere else except Innsbruck(Aerosoft) I have 27 fps in the limiter and you can check out the graphics from my "Meet the Embraer" screenshot thread(pics are unedited).

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