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Terminal maps?

Michael Holcroft 947401

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Michael Holcroft 947401

Hi guys, i was just wondering if any of you had any idea where i could get maps of terminals and their gates....how do you know which gate is which?!


While i think on...if i was flying from, say, BOS-JFK, how would I give the VOR's on the route? I know that i must go to a specific site, type in my route, and sent it over in the FP. However, since this is not done though FS, there isnt any way to use the NAV feature is there? For example, when i plan a route not using Vatsim, i plug in the route, then i can just use the GPS/NAV to ensure i stay on the right course. How could I do this with Vatsim/SB?


I'm very excited to be online with FS, I sat at a terminal the other night just to listen-in and know what I should expect with my first flight.........Oh man, i cant wait now!!!



Thanks guys,


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Michael Bevington 814931
Hi guys, i was just wondering if any of you had any idea where i could get maps of terminals and their gates....how do you know which gate is which?

Maps, charts, etc.. http://forums.vatsim.net/viewtopic.php?t=2522


While i think on...if i was flying from, say, BOS-JFK, how would I give the VOR's on the route? I know that i must go to a specific site, type in my route, and sent it over in the FP. However, since this is not done though FS, there isnt any way to use the NAV feature is there? For example, when i plan a route not using Vatsim, i plug in the route, then i can just use the GPS/NAV to ensure i stay on the right course. How could I do this with Vatsim/SB?

It sounds like you want to use the Microsoft Flight Sim (MSFS) flight plan and follow that in your MSFS GPS. Go ahead, once you are set up, use that flightplan when you file. Check out http://www.vatsim.net/prc/ Then navigate your way to the 122c course, checkout the second example. It is up to you to navigate, SB does not affect navigation at all.


You REALLY need to spend some time at the PRC http://www.vatsim.net/prc before making your first on-line flight. It will give you a lot more enjoyment and make the experiance better for everyone.


Welcome to VATSIM!

Mike Bevington


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Michael Holcroft 947401

Excelent! Thanks for your response. I checked out the link provided for maps and charts.....alot of good information. Perhaps it is my own ignorence, but i could not see any termainal info in regards to gates. If it was YOU flying into a city, how would you know which gate is which? I guess thats the only question i have left!! I have read the pilot training and i think i am finally ready to fly!


Thanks again,


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Owen Catherwood 903683

We as controllers don't care what gate/parking location you pick; it's up to you. In the real-world, pilots are [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned their gate by the airline, and controllers just say "taxi to your gate." For GA, it's "taxi to parking." When I'm flying, I'll usually pick the closest convenient gate or parking depending on what I'm flying, irrespective of who parks there real-world.

KZSE C3/Facilities Administrator


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Arjan Harmans 882448

Hi Michael,

If you intend to fly in Europe you are more then likely going to get a gate [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ignment. So you would indeed need the aerodrome layout, parking and docking charts. Not sure about the US - but I would think you run this risk there as well....

Most Vacc's have links on their sites to obtain them (for free).




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