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Chinese RVSM Guideline

Jason Choi 1019205

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Jason Choi 1019205

Just a heads up to all VATSIM pilots, Chinese airspace have their own RVSM regulations and system, unlike the one that Russia and other metric level regions use. In order to access to the material on our website, here is a direct link http://www.vatprc.org/cms/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=100&Itemid=114&lang=en Do spend some time read through it, for pilots flying in and out of China, we strongly recommend you to download and print out the chart, not just for the sake of controllers but also a better flying experience in Chinese airspace.


A few more notes regarding metric system,

  • Pilots and controllers must read out units of altitude when [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned or requesting a metric level.
    • Above transition: Read 11700M as WUN WUN TOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED Meters. (FL351)
      Read 6900M as SIX TOUSAND NINER HUNDRED Meters on Standard (FL226)
    • Below transition: Read 2700M as TOO TOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED Meters on QNH 1021 (8900ft)
      Read 600M as SIX HUNDRED Meters (2000ft)

    [*]Pilots may apply Strategic Lateral Offset (SLOP), notify ATC in radar environment.


    [*]Observe East-West RVSM rule as shown in diagram in link above.


    [*]Prepare Feet-Meter conversion chart when flying in Chinese airspace.


    [*]File a metric altitude in Chinese airspace when applicable. It does not matter if you put it as in feet in your flight plan or show it with in your flight planed route.

    • In VATSIM flight plan: Cruise altitude: 35100 or FL351. If you file a non RVSM altitude, say you transit through Chinese airspace, and file FL350, do observe the metric rule even without ATC online. If ATC does come online, we will climb/descend you to an appropriate RVSM level.
    • Show when you fly a metric level in your flight planned route: SADLI/K0895S0960 A593 PUD... S0960 refer to 9600M.

    [*]Depends on the letter of agreement and situation, Chinese controllers will climb/descend a plane back to empirical level when leaving Chinese airspace to Seoul FIR, Taiwan FIR, Hong Kong FIR, etc.


I hope above information helps you all, and we look forward to seeing you flying in our airspace. Feel free to ask questions and we have an answer for you.

Jason Choi (1019205)

Instructor (I1)

Deputy Division Director (VATPRC2),

VATSIM People's Republic of China (VATPRC)

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