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Procedures + Phraseo for special approaches into Nice (LFMN)

Sebastien Bartosz

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Sebastien Bartosz

Good afternoon, all,


controllers at the Nice Airport (LFMN) are confronted more and more often with pilots who are unfamiliar with the approach procedures. This is in no way a rant, at all...take it as a simple guide of some sort.


What's the deal ?


Apart from the typical ILS approach into runway 04L at LFMN, it has 2 not so usual approaches. (In reality it has 3, but on VATSIM, we cannot simulate an unserviceable VOR).

The approaches are noise abatement procedures, because when flying the ILS for 04L, you have to overfly highly populated areas, and for 22R, terrain does not permit any straight-in approach.


These approaches are all initially instrument approaches, then they finish in Circle-to-land with prescribed flight tracks.


For runway 04L (and 04R for that matter), there is the Circling VOR-A, and for 22R (22L aswell..), we have the Circling VOR-B


What are the limitations ?


- Runway usage

First of all, we have to note that runway direction was determined by local topography, not prevailing wind direction.

Due to the complexity, capacity, and high minima for QFU 224°, landings and take-offs on runway 04R (04L if needed) are preferred with up to 6 knots tail wind component.


- VOR-A limitations


Ceiling: No lower than 3000 ft

Visibility: 9999 ("Unlimited")


- VOR-B limitations


Ceiling: No limitations

Visibility: No lower than 8000 m.


If the approach minimas cannot be met, ILS rwy 04L will be in use.

If the tail wind component for 04L exceeds 6 knots, but the approach minimas cannot be met, ILS 04L will be in use.


What is the phraseology like ?


Before approaching the IAF of your STAR (either NERAS or MUS), you will hear something like:


ATC: AFR001, cleared V-O-R ALPHA approach, runway 04L, then circling runway 04L, report breaking left

Pilot: *Reads back*




ATC: AFR001, cleared V-O-R BRAVO approach, runway 22R, then circling runway 22R, report breaking right

Pilot: *Reads back*


Where to get this approach ?


Go to this link, then search LFMN.

Click on IAC, then scroll to pages 12, 13 and 16, 17.


For those who use Jeppesen, its charts 19-10, 19-10A and 19-11, 19-11A

New York ARTCC

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