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Connecting two computers

Joshua Broderick 1011610

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Joshua Broderick 1011610

Just ordered my new computer and I was going to sell my old one. However I thought was it possible to connect my pc's together to run other applications most importantly FS9/FSX. I would be planning to use my TV as a 3rd monitor to possibly connect my old rig to. What steps would I need to take in order to run FS9/FSX and other multiple applications?

Joshua Broderick

Houston ARTCC C1

COO - Virtual United Airlines


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Anthony Pavlak 1058071

I'd like to know this too. When do you benefit from running two PCs for something like FSX? Is it only for multiple monitor setups or is there a performance gain to be had using a separate computer for FSX add ons? If so, which ones and how big a difference?

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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

mainly for performance, you can have your FS machine running just FS, then you can have your other PC running all the other addons, activesky, FSINN/Squawkbox, etc..


as for what you need, for FS9, youll need FSUIPC and WideFS to be able to run squawkbox, activesky, etc.. networked. FSINN doesnt need WideFS or FSUIPC


for FSX, most addons now utilize Simconnect, so you shouldnt need WideFS or FSUIPC to do it with that one. HiFi has a very good tutorial on their website on how to get activesky networked with FSX, you can pretty much repeat the same procedure with other addons like squawkbox.

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Luke Kolin

If you're running FS9 and have at least a dual-core CPU, you have enough processor horsepower on the FS machine to run everything locally without the h[Mod - Happy Thoughts]les and latency of WideFS. That probably applies for FSX if you have a quad-core or better.





... I spawn hundreds of children a day. They are daemons because they are easier to kill. The first four remain stubbornly alive despite my (and their) best efforts.

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Joshua Broderick 1011610

Well my current pc runs Intel Core 2 duo E4500 at 2.2 GHz and I'm upgrading to the i7 2600. Debating to just keep FS2004 and add REX, UT, GE Pro and FSGlobal 2010, Rather than having FSX.


Any suggestions??

Joshua Broderick

Houston ARTCC C1

COO - Virtual United Airlines


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Paul Tutty
Posted (edited)


Edited by Paul Tutty
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Lennart Vedin

Im very happy running two connected computer when on VATSIM. One primary for FS9 only. And one secondary connected via WideFS for Squawkbox with voice communication, Active Weather, charts and other utility programs.


Now I should find it annoying if use only one computer to switch between FS and other programs.

/ Lennart Vedin / vedinat.png910701.png

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Wycliffe Barrett

Running two PC's is actually quite liberating from a simming point of view. I have two PC's hard wired together via my router and three monitors. I run one monitor on the slave PC and two monitors on the master PC.


The master PC is win7 based and the slave is XP.


I have no problems at all and Win7 on the master created the network without to much input from me.


The master PC runs FSX whilst on the slave I have FSinn, EFB, ACtive Sky Evolution, Vroute, VATSPY, ATCA and numerous other packages.


I use a fantastic peice of software to control both machines with one mouse and one keyboard, called Input Director, absolutely brilliant and its freeware.



Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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