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EASTAVIA Memorial flight to Sarajevo in Irhad's honor

Ivan Davidovic 1052342

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Ivan Davidovic 1052342

Dear VATSIM members,


With big saddeness we're anouncing that Irhad Durakovic VACC BiH founder has died. In that name our company want to organize memorial flight to Sarajevo airport at 2nd of August 2011 at 18:00 UTC time. Our company has arranged with Nikola Tutoric all details about event and we will have full ATC support. Our tour is starting from Rome Fiumicino(LIRF) airport and going to Sarajevo(LQSA).

More details about event you can find on the following link: http://eastaviava.webs.com/irhad_memorial.html


We hope that many pilots will come on event and say last goodbye to our respected friend Irhad Rizvo Durakovic


Kind Regards

Davidovic Ivan


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Thomas George 827476

This is a lovely tribute from Eastavia, thanks for posting Ivan. vACC BIH will also be holding their official tribute during August too.


Irhad had been suffering with a form of CJD and was being treated by the 24/7 care of his mother as well as that of hospital staff in the UK. He was just 23 years old. Bosnia & Herzegovina is a relatively new vACC for VATSIM Europe Division and Irhad worked very hard alongside his colleagues in this area as well as my team and me in the EUD Training Department at the time to get it off the ground. He did some sterling work until his health rather suddenly and rapidly deteriorated and I feel certain that he would have gone on to share his p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ion for the hobby and determination to see things done right beyond vACC level.


It seems a strange coincidence that Irhad was taken from us on VATSIM's 10th Anniversary (27th) because admiration of aviation was a huge part of Irhad's life and so the platform to simulate this in conditions somewhat akin to real world conditions allowed him to practise something that he certainly could not do at the time for real. Whilst Irhad may never have got the chance to pursue his dream real world, at least he got part of the way there through his love of flight simulation.

Thomas George

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Sava  Markovic 1109329

Again that is very sad news. Air Serbia will also fly to Sarajevo from Belgrade on the 2nd. Cheers!

Sava Markovic

SCGvACC Events Coordinator

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Mirza Ibrahimovic
Posted (edited)

This is not the official Memorial Event for Irhad!


- as that is planned for a later date, due to lack of staff/holidays and due to further plannings (web and program)!


The event will be done in cooperation with the regional vACCs and is therefore a bigger project with special contens related to Irhad! VATEUD is also informed directly from vACCBiH and not via second parties!


Even though all memorial fly ins are respected, all pilots/VAs are kindly asked to attend the official event for their memorial flights, and not single pilot/VA events, so we can make a big memorial! And (again) due to current lack of staff, where we can not promise to fulfill the ATC-requests which we usual fulfill with 24h reaction, as well as not the above mentioned "Full ATC coverage"!


The date, estimated mid august will be announced soon, first there is much work to do.


Sorry for the inconveniences related to this announcement and thank you for showing Irhad the last respect

Edited by Guest

Mirza Ibrahimovic | VATSIM Adria PR & Events Manager

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Thomas George 827476

Great, I am glad that there are many opportunities for us to remember Irhad and celebrate what he did for VATSIM and what virtual aviation did for him.

Thomas George

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Kurt Mattner 815264



With deep sympathies VATITA and its members has got notice of Irhad`s death and his long ordeal before.


We take it as an honour to staff completely the origin airport of Eastavia Memorial Flight to Sarajevo

dedicated to Irhad, even if this is not an official Event.


Unfortunately we cannot guarantee ATC Service before 18:30 UTC as the most controllers are coming

home right at that time.


But from 18:30 UTC onwards the Italian ATC is ready to give the all the support you need




Roma-Fiumicino (LIRF), on Tuesday the 2nd August


18:30 to 20:30 UTC

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Andreas Fuchs

Dear friends,


a couple of pilots of VATSIM Germany will depart as well from LIRF to LQSA tonight. Our callsign will be GERxxx, radiotelephony callsign "GERMANY".


Furthermore, I have inserted two routings from LIRF to LQSA into VATroute, one for low level traffic (FL130-FL190) and one for high level traffic (FL290 and above, the airways are closed between FL200 and FL280!)


Just click on THIS LINK to access these routes directly.

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Mirza Ibrahimovic

As advised, all pilots are welcome to fly when ever they like to honor Irhad, day and night.


But no hard feelings if no ATC shows up, as that was not a part of our (holiday) schedule, where some of us are away from our scopes, others have other duties etc. So vACCBiH takes no responsibility for possible non ATC coverage and hopes that all will fulfill their intentions anyway.


Hope the same spirit and participation will be seen on the official event!


UPDATE: For information, 2 ATC stations are online + LDZO CTR covering BiH, so enjoy it guys.

Mirza Ibrahimovic | VATSIM Adria PR & Events Manager

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Ivan Davidovic 1052342

EASTAVIA would like to thank to all pilots who came and flew this night. By our evidence there were 51 Operations on Sarajevo airport.

Big thanks to all pilots because they answered and came on our group memorial flight to LQSA. Official statistic will be finished tomorrow and will be posted!


Kind Regards

Ivan Davidovic

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Thomas George 827476

I'm glad that it was successful and sorry that I was not available to attend. Thanks Ivan.

Thomas George

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Ivan Davidovic 1052342

Dear pilots,


Big thanks because you came on our memorial flight. By our statistic there was 51 operations at Sarajevo airport (LQSA), actually we didn't expect traffic in this amount, but once again BIG THANKS!

Also Big thanks to VATITA staff who organized ATC support at Rome and to Nikola Tutoric who was doing APP at LQSA and handled whole traffic!


Our team made statistic for this memorial flight, we only placed callsings and names but not percentage how much pilots came from some VA because this is not competition,where VA can show how big they are! All people wanted to say last good bye to our respected VATSIM collegue. Docomeent with statistic can be found here: http://eastaviava.webs.com/dokumenta/Irhad%20official%20report.pdf


Irhad Rest in peace!


Davidovic Ivan


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Ivan Davidovic 1052342

Dear VATSIM pilots,


We created video clip dedicated to Irhad Durakovic by EASTAVIA pilots. Hope that you like it:


With this video our va finished everything what we wanted to do for our Irhad Durakovic. Thank you guys for supporting our memorial flight!


Kind Regards

Ivan Davidovic


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