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Chart Database Updated

Brendan Chen 943434

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Brendan Chen 943434

Dear all,


We have recently updated all our charts on a developing website of our's (http://www.vatprc.org/main). The current effective airac is 1112, and all the charts available in our database is current.


From previous experience, we have moved to a more robust process of maintaining charts, therefore when new charts are available, I will make a post, acting as a NOTAM here. So please stay in tuned!


Hope this is useful for you

Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

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Steven Cullen

Thanks Brenden, this will be very useful.



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Brendan Chen 943434

Thanks Steven, no problems, if there are anything else that pilots will need and we have not had it uploaded, please let me know, I'll try to source them.



Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

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Tim Wong

I think charts for Shanghai Pudong are not downloadable. When I click on download-button, it says: " 404 Not found. The requested URL was not found on this server."

Another thing is, can you also upload charts for the following sceneries made by the SKYSOFT team or is it impossible since they are small airports?


- ZPMS Dehong Mangshi

- ZUJZ JiuZhai Huanglong

- ZULZ Luzhou Lantian

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Tim Wong
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Brendan Chen 943434
I think charts for Shanghai Pudong are not downloadable. When I click on download-button, it says: " 404 Not found. The requested URL was not found on this server."

Another thing is, can you also upload charts for the following sceneries made by the SKYSOFT team or is it impossible since they are small airports?


- ZPMS Dehong Mangshi

- ZUJZ JiuZhai Huanglong

- ZULZ Luzhou Lantian


Indeed there was a minor problem with the ZSPD link, and since then is fixed. Thanks for the notice.


Regarding charts for those, it is not possible to upload those charts. They are charts in Chinese, not suppose to be for anyone outside of China. Therefore I'm not sure whether Jeppesen even has them.

Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

You make the difference!


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Brendan Chen 943434

Hi all!


New Charts are available for download, cycle 1113.



Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

You make the difference!


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  • 1 month later...
Brendan Chen 943434

Hi All,


Charts are now updated to 1202, you may find them on our VATPRC website.


Unfortunately, although we have been working with AirCharts to get our charts on there, it has not yet been completely ready. Please do use our website for charts.



Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

You make the difference!


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  • 1 year later...
Brendan Chen 943434

Hi all,


I would like to let you know a minor change in the charts section of our website: http://vatprc.net/index.php/en-charts


As it stands now, given the staff numbers we have, it is often very time consuming and difficult to constantly keeping the charts up to date individually. However, we understand that as a simulation organisation, our members/guests would want to simulate the real world procedures as much or as close as possible.


With this understanding, there is a solution which we believe as simple and effective. In that section of the website, we have included a direct link which will be updated every cycle with the new charts in place. You can go into the charts section, inside there is a link to collection of the latest charts available for download. These charts are currently separated by airports. If there is a demand for an AIO zipped package, please contact us via our Ticketing system, or directly email (brendan@vatprc.net)/private message me.


One limitation with this method is that the members inside the Great Firewall of China will not be able to access this link directly due to internet censorship, we are striving to seek for an alternative way to this issue.


Please let us know how we can make your experience in VATPRC more pleasant, and we will strive to work towards it.



Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

You make the difference!


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Brendan Chen 943434

Further to what was said on the post above, for completeness and your convenience, we have included different all-in-one packages, including the enroute charts for your download.


Please visit our chart centre for all your charting needs.

Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

You make the difference!


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Brendan Chen 943434

A little update.


If you find the red text links are not there, this means the links below has been updated to the latest cycle.

Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

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Brendan Chen 943434



Navigation charts in VATPRC's Chart Centre has been updated to the current AIRAC cycle (1312).


Details on the amendments can be found here.


Remember, charts that are not listed in our Chart Centre may be requested.

Brendan Chen

VATPRC Tech Support

You make the difference!


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