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Controlador BOS ironico

Leonardo Goss 935993

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Leonardo Goss 935993

Ontem estava voando para KJFK perto do fix champ faltando 70nm para o aeroporto, sem querer sintonizei a frequencia do BOS_V_CTR e escrevi no chat good evening, with you.

ele me perguntou, "onde?" respondi fix champ to landing kjfk, ai ele ficou furioso comecou me destratar com ironias no chat se eu sabia o que queria dizer BOS ai colocava entre parenteses BOSTON, eu respondia respeitosamente que pedia desculpas pois havia sintonizado errado que iria mudar de frequencia e ele continuava escrevendo.

No final nao aguentei pois a mesma diversao que tenho de voar nesta familia maravilhosa acho que os outros devem entrar para se divertir e nao agredir ninguem e se estiver nervoso, vai pescar e escrevi para ele ter calma e mudei de frequencia.

Nunca mais chego nem perto de Boston e pensando sinceremente nao voa mais para EUA, apesar de saber que um problematico nao significa que todos sao [Mod - Happy Thoughts]im.

Mas quero curtir no FS aprendendo cada vez mais as tecnicas de voo e fazendo amigos.

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Marvin Thompson 810254




Estou triste para ouvir que teve alguns problemas que voando na área de Boston. Sugiro que entra em contato com o Chefe de ARTCC DE KBOS, Serio de Christopher. Explique a situação a ele, a eu estou seguro deve haver alguma espécie de comunicação de mis. Pode achar um elo a ele na www. vatusa. página de teia de org, sob ARTCC de Boston.





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  • 3 months later...
Michalis Hristos Papidis 8
Posted (edited)

Caro Leonardo,


o mesmo aconteceu comigo na VATLEB (Libano). O _CTR da região primeiro puxou conversa comigo pois ele estava sozinho na região, então eu respondi, ai ele começou a falar alguns palavrões como shit, entre outros, por que, segundo ele, lugar de chat não era no ATC, mas foi ele quem puxou conversa. Ai perguntou se eu ia p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ar logo ou não pela sua região, acontece que, provavelmente, eu havia apertado ba tecla "e" e desligado algum motor do avião, e comecei a ter problemas, dessa forma, so.licitei pouso imediato, e ele disse que eu estava brinando com ele, e eu disse que não, que tinha apenas um motor respondendo aos comandos e queprecisava descer imediatamente pois estava perdendo altitude. Pois bem, ele me mandou direto ao aeroporto OLBA, me indicou uma pista que não existe (rwy 16) e freq. 110.70. Acontece que 110.70 é da pista 3, e qdo eu disse que o freq. nao correspondia a pista, começou a xingar novamente, perguntando se eu podia decidir o que ia fazer póis ele _CTR e não tinha obrigação nenhuma de me ajudar. Pois bem, após tanta insistência por parte dele e xingamentos, decidi ver se realmente meu FSNav estava errado (qto a pista e freq.) e o resultado foi um grande mal entendido. Acredito que deveria haver mais paciência por parte dos controladores de vôo, mas ainda [Mod - Happy Thoughts]im recomendo que todos voem naquela região.



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Andreas Fuchs

Oi gente!


Se tem tal coisa acontecendo POR FAVOR communicem isto com os chefes dos setores primeiro e o mais rapido que possivel.

É claro que palavroes&insultos NUNCA serão tolerados na VATSIM. Fiquem com o chatlog, mandem este chatlog para o chefe do setor. Ou se tem um Supervisor online (usem Servinfo para achar um SUP) falam com ele tambem.


São uma ou duas pessoas que estragam tudo e se possivel vamos corrigir situaçoes como estes. Claro que sempre tem dois lados dessas historias, mas como ja escrevi, palavroes NUNCA serão tolerados aqui!!


Não deixem essas pessoa mal educadas estragar seus voos, ficam voando nos EUA tambem.

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Marco Lauzi 844287

Caros Leonardo e Michalis


Nestes casos é importante que relatem o ocorrido o mais rapidamente possível aos chefes dos setores onde o incidente ocorreu, como já foi citado pelo Marvin e pelo Andreas.

Não queremos que alguns poucos membros criem uma má impressão de toda uma região, o que seria injusto, e para isso precisamos que vocês citem o ocorrido aos respectivos responsáveis das regiões. O ideal nestes casos é inclusive guardar screenshots do diálogo (se foi por texto) para comprovar o relato de forma inquestionável e facilitar o trabalho de verificação.

Caso eventos como este se repitam, verifiquem no ServInfo se existe um supervisor on line e enviem uma mensagem private relatando o que está ocorrendo.


O importante é que fatos como este não fiquem sem verificação e posterior punição se for o caso.



Marco Lauzi

Rio de Janeiro

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Alexandre Geahel 932157

Hello, I do not speak portuguese but I'd like to know what was wrong over the control at OLBA provided by Vatleb. We do not want people to stay far away from this region because they had a bad expirience, if you remember the date & time and Active ATC please tell me I'd like to talk with you or send me an email: [email protected]


Thank you

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Alexandre Geahel 932157


I was witness to this situation you are entirely wrong on the story let me post the real one, as this story should of not been public. The ATIS of OLBB_CTR clearly said:

Charts--->www.vatleb.com / feedback: [hidden for this post]@gmail.com .

My suggestion: you should of not reacted this way, we are as proffessional as HVACC and if you think not, you have the right to say so. I'm just telling you what most pilot say in feedback emails.

YOUR ERROR: You should of never done: -A landing in OLBA while you were enroute OMDB-LFMN

Never have done a MISSED Approach on the wrong runway.

Now the active ATC gave you 110.700 as an active ILS frequency, he made a mistake, everyone makes one: "The error is a quality of a human"

I suggest you review the sittuation.

Now the way the active ATC talked to you was perfectly normal and polite, I remember you kept saying if you dont mind me posting it here in public:

AFR1702: N2 engine is failing

OLBB_CTR: and can we please quit the chit chat, the frequency is reserved for ATC

AFR1702: repeated the phrase of OLBB CTR 5 times

then when OLBB CTR clearly guided the aircrafts for a straight in approach, that was amazingly done when high density traffic was in his area, AFR1702 did a missed approach, (it is acceptable to do so) and then AFR1702 took a litle while to answer to every comand.


I guess the wat you reacted to the phrase: OLBB_CTR: and can we please quit the chit chat, the frequency is reserved for ATC

Was you didin't understand it well, I suggest either NOT posting fake stuff on the public forums, you therefore gave a wrong and negative image of Vatleb.

Or just chat with the active ATC at the end of the flight.

I can tell you that I have more then 700hours on Vatsim I can call it some expirience. You on the other hand have about 199hours, yes quite allot but still at your level, you would not post things like this.



If you have any complaints regarding the active ATC or any reuqests or would like to talk to him indirectly, my email: [email protected] is always here. I will listen to you and never interrupt you. Just posting something false on the public forums is not appropriate and shows a sign of un-respectful towards Vatleb, by not talking to us 1st.


I myself did not appreciate the behavior of Michalis Hristos Papidis # 814686 and all the Vatleb team feels insulted by this fake accusation from Michalis Hristos Papidis # 814686. If Michalis or anyother member would like real proof that the Michalis Hristos Papidis # 814686 did not say the truth I then invite you to email me: [email protected] I am open to anyone/anything as I always do.


And if a MOD. could kindly delete this topic as it gives a clear negative image of Vatleb, I would thank him.



Sincerely. Alexandre Geahel # 932157

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Andreas Fuchs



thanks for your information. Looks like some misunderstandings and language barriers, that made things go wrong.


So, everybody calm down please and not bash anybody in particular on a PUBLIC forum, ask for details in private if you were unhappy.

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Michalis Hristos Papidis 8


Second: There was no traffic at VATLEB, I was alone there, say that there was a rush hour is a lye, after t6he missed approach, at OLBA, there was an airplane, not before, and only 1.

Third thing: do OLBA have a rwy16??????????? 110.70 is the freq. ????? Ok, every one make mistakes and I'm not perfect too, but I told the CTR, that there was not a rwy 16 and that I could not found it, even at FSNav, even at the FS04 map, and he told me to go on that there was this imaginable rwy. Every one make mistakes, I agree, but I was at 3nm of the airport, and there was no rwy in my direction, with the hdg150, like he said.

I would tell every one to fly there, and every where else, but I felt bad with those things and have the right to post here what happened to me, I can say what I want, what really happened, but no body have the right to tell someone to delete my posts. VATSIM is a FREE network, like the hole world is free to say what they think, and no one have the right to try to shut up anyone.

VATLEB have a great controller, and what happened don't mean that there is something wrong with it


If yu have 700 hours at VATSIM and I have 199 hours don't mean that you have more experience that I, means that I have more things to do that stay here talking with you what happened or not, I'm a man, not a kid, a have a work and a family, don't have all my time to fly, even if I'm at VATSIM flying from before 2001.

But I still thinking that VATSIM is the best flight simulation network at the web, every where exist people that try to protect there friends, even here, but at this case you should be partial.....should see what happened and try to make it don't happen again, and not try to protect anyone. I feel bad with what happened.....

I'm sorry if someone felt bad with my post, wasn't my intention......BUT DON'T THINK THAT YOU CAN DELETE ANY POST HERE, I'm not saying bad words, I'm not lying, I'm just writing what happened to me. Other way, why would VATSIM making the FLYING USER SURVEY?????

The proof that I like VATLEB is that I would like to join it, like a student controller, what happened 1 time don't mean that will happen again.

I would not say anything more about this, but I felt bad when you said Alexander, that I was lying, that I was saying false things, and I was not. This way, I will delete all the previous posts that you said make you VATLEB guys feel insulted, I'm sorry about this, and I'm going to send you an private e-mail to say that I'm sorry for that, but don't say public that I'm not saying the truth, you don't have this right.

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Michalis Hristos Papidis 8

Alexander, I'm trying to contact you but....




This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification


Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:


[email protected]


Technical details of permanent failure:

PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 9): 550-"The recipient cannot be verified. Please check all recipients of this

550 message to verify they are valid."

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Alexandre Geahel 932157
I then invite you to email me: [email protected] I am open to anyone/anything as I always do.


My email is: [email protected] not [email protected]

Second, I totaly agree everyone makes mistake I would like to have peace and everything here. Yes there is a runway 16 and there was high density traffic in the area.

If you dont beleive me here you go:

These are the Arrivals for RUNWAY16 at OLBA BEIRUT AIRPORT--> Charts updated from Vatleb

http://vatleb.com/star/runway16arrivals.jpg So DO NOT Come and Say I am Lying I hate when you someone comes and say that. Second your excuses are not needed but they are necessary to proove you are a man and you admit you made mistakes.


Now thank you, I am right on this. I can tell you this image of you replying back and forth telling us negatory comments is not totaly correct. I would love if a mod could lock this Topic please.

Michalis Hristos Papidis, everyone makes mistake...it is human I agree, we all did some. So what do you say and stop this topic here and get flying


Here is the airport diagram:

http://www.vatleb.com/airport.pdf ----> There is a Runway 16


http://www.vatleb.com/16.pdf ----> The ILS on runway 16 (110.1)



The active ATC made an error we all agree, please forgive him as you had your part in this litle problem. Again it is a mistunderstanding, everybody makes mistakes I am sure I made some, you did some and the active ATC made some now please....Let's go fly don't give a negative image of us


We hope to see you in OLBA in a bit Thank you very much



Alexandre Geahel

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Michalis Hristos Papidis 8

Well, let's finish it here.

What about a flying together at VATLEB to celebrate the peace??????

I would invite everyone to fly with us, at VATLEB!!!!!

I'm sorry for the mistunderstanding, it was MY fault, but I'm sorry, there was NO traffic there, only one airplane, and after the lost approach. Anyway, let's all fly together......what you say about?

Another thing: Alexander, look at the VATLEB page, at the staff section, there is your wrong e-mail.


Michalis Papidis

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