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Islam Hani 943198

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Islam Hani 943198

hi there....


i know thier are controllers who are in control of OAJI {queen Alia intl}


and from yesterday's event i know now their are alot of controllers for HECA and OLBA...


where are you guys in a non event day?...why EDDF is everynight online and you don't??


i don't think it's lack of traffic coz pilots do fly to Cairo and beiruth...


a question for EGYPT VACC..where can i get HECA charts from?...the link in the EGYPT VACC doesn't work...


thanx in advance...

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Alexandre Geahel 932157

hello Islami! My name is Alexandre Geahel (I did APP during the event) I do OLBA APP at least 2-3 hours a day, usualy from 2200 to 0100Z but if you want some ATC contact me: ageahel(at)videotron.ca We don't have that much controllers but try our best !! We actually try to always be on and are having more and more controllers.

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Ali Abou-Zeid
hi there....


i know thier are controllers who are in control of OAJI {queen Alia intl}


and from yesterday's event i know now their are alot of controllers for HECA and OLBA...


where are you guys in a non event day?...why EDDF is everynight online and you don't??


i don't think it's lack of traffic coz pilots do fly to Cairo and beiruth...


a question for EGYPT VACC..where can i get HECA charts from?...the link in the EGYPT VACC doesn't work...


thanx in advance...


Hi Islam, thanks for your concern about this matter


My name is Ali Abou-Zeid I was doing HECC_V_CTR during the Middle East Dreams event, also I'm director of Egypt VACC.


To answer your question about why we're not there in non event days, I have a few points here, and since you're comparing us with Frankfurt FIR (I know you don't mean it specifically, but let's compare with Frankfurt FIR).


  1. Frankfurt has 72 controllers and Egypt VACC has 3 (Including me). So, for sure at least 3 of those 72 have 2 hours a day for ATC. Egypt VACC's 3 controllers don't really have enough time every day, and when we do, it's only a few aircraft. And 1 of our controllers (Sameh Gabali - Deputy Director Egypt VACC) lives in Perth, Australia, so his timezone is really out of our normal range, while we were controlling in the MED event, Alex, was up early to control, while Sameh was staying up after midnight to control for 4 hours, that he couldn't stand it and had to go sleep, he was even unable to reply to aircraft from he was too tired.
  2. We have a lot of competition from the Egyptian Division in IVAO, they have a lot more members than we do, the reason is that they started before us.


Answering your question about charts, the link does work, and I used it a lot myself. Also, I'll be creating custom made charts for us (copyright issues) in the very near future. Of course I'll start with bigger airports.


I just ask you to be patient a bit, and if you really want to help as controller, please let me know, we're open for guest controllers from all areas. You can contact me here


Thank you very much for your concern and I hope my information was helpful to clear up the situation we have.

Ali Abou-Zeid


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Islam Hani 943198

Hello buddies....thanx for replying


Alexander..i'm happy you'r doing OLBA APP 3 hours a day that's good..{APP means you handle DEL,GND,TWR & APP}...so i think it's the time difference 2200Z is midnight in my country...hope to see you alot..


Ali..yes i wasn't comparing anyone to anyone and yes F.simulation has no many fans here in egypt

forgive me but i live about 4-6 DME about 50 meters right of the localizer course of 05R of the real HECA and can't fly to it in vatsim ..even in the past fewdays they've been using 23L for departure i think for wind condition and i don't think heavy jets were using noise abatement procedures so i used to live inside a turbojet engine


anyway...i know you were doing HECC-CTR i think i p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ed by you in my way..


and for the charts..the link gets me to a page with letters to choose from i tried'em but they don't work...



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Ali Abou-Zeid



Living 4-6 DME ROT I'd say you're living somewhere in Nasr City close to the Army buildings, right? I go for spotting from there usually. And yeah, the past few days winds are blowing hard from the south, so no aircraft coming down above your place, and they turn way before they reach this point on their departures.


In Cairo (and Egypt generally) there are no noise abatement procedures except for the ILS path for RWY05L, and I'm sure you know why that is


Talking of charts, click on "C" and it should give you a list with airport names starting with C (Cairo Intl. included).


Anyway, would you please contact me using the link I provided above?



Ali Abou-Zeid


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Ido Rosenthal 899496



here is a direct link:


Ali, I would love to help with ATC services in your region (currently i'm only student1)



Ido Rosenthal

Ait Aviation - AIT001


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Ali Abou-Zeid

Hi Ido,


Please contact me using the link I provided above for Islam.



Ali Abou-Zeid


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Islam Hani 943198

Hello Ido..thanx for the link...


i can't get those procedures..it's stated that thier are no ordinary SIDs for HECA..and departure procedures are listed...that's ok...

but what about arrival procedures??....thier are the ILS charts for RWYs but no arrival routes..or these charts are not completed yet?

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Ido Rosenthal 899496

there are no stars, only approach proceedures, on each procedure you got the first navaid you should use inorder to start it. so when you are planning your flight just use one of this navaids as your final fix.



Ido Rosenthal

Ait Aviation - AIT001


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Islam Hani 943198

Thanx Ido for help...


this question's for Ali coz he lives in the area and he'll understand me...


taking a look at tha approach charts for RWY05R,you mean last fix to fly is CVO which's in the airport then fly heading 215


then at 10 DME CVO they turn right to intercept the localizer?


that means that the aircrafts fly through nasr city in the opposite direction at the heading to the Maadi then turn back again!!..i never saw that


and where's 10 DME CVO?...over Elmokatam mountain?



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Ali Abou-Zeid



I live the p[Mod - Happy Thoughts]ed 5+ years observing how aircraft fly over Cairo, whether they're arriving or departing, and I've come to a point to believe that Cairo (And all Egypt) has no SIDs or STARs. This was then confirmed by some EgyptAir pilots who are my friends, and last February when I was organizing AVEX2005's airshow, it was confirmed to me again by a real Egyptian ATC. Also, when I got my hand on Egypt's AIP (Aeronautical Information Publication), it's written there that it's upto the controller to take the decision. So it's basically a traffic pattern. Real life pilots don't fly those procedures, except from the IAF (Initial Approach Fix) for their final approach to the ILS RWY. We should do the same too


I hope that helped you understand a clear view of what it's like to see Cairo from above


Ah, to add to that, aviation officials in Egypt aren't interested in implementing SIDs and STARs. Mainly because they're restrictions, and you know Egypt hates restrictions. On the other hand, the 2 main reasons for SIDs and STARs are noise, and to decrease the workload of controllers. But, no one complains about noise here, and the workload of controllers is already low since there is no much traffic

Ali Abou-Zeid


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Islam Hani 943198

Ali basha...


damn we'r always different from the rest of the world


and about noise..i have a friend lives after the SINDBAD about 1-2 nm of the threeshold of 23R..when aircrafts takeoff 05L {and that's usually what happens} the whole neighbourhood vibrates


so what should i do to fly to cairo intl??...


file a plan with a last fix of CVO {in case landing at 05R} then follow the chart to intercept the localizer or these charts has no use and the controller will vector me or what?


thanx Ali for helping

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Ali Abou-Zeid

Yes, make CVO your last point and you'll be vectored from before that. The whole neighbourhood of your friend vibrates when aircraft are landing RWY23R. 05L departures are too high already to vibrate the area. Or if you're talking about less distance, yes it does, especially the heavies. I was once on my way to Ismailia and found an A340-200 taking-off just a few feet above my head. I couldn't hear anyone else talking, or even shouting, just 'em CFMs roaring.

Ali Abou-Zeid


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Islam Hani 943198

Hello Ali...


can you recommend me a good joystick with throttle which can be bought from egypt?


i saw nice joysticks in VIRGIN city stars ranging 150-400 LE less than that price they suck..



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Ali Abou-Zeid

Hani, sorry for my late reply. Haven't been checking the forums here a lot, been busy at work. I don't know about the ones in VIRGIN (City Stars). I bought mine from Compu City Mall in Mohandeseen (Above Metro Market) and it was for 280 (As far as I remember). It's a Microsoft Sidewinder Force Feedback 2. They stopped producing it. I'm going to Virgin Megastore at City Stars soon as I need to buy some DVDs, I'll check them there and I'll let you know.

Ali Abou-Zeid


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Islam Hani 943198

hello Ali...


i thought about many joysticks..in city stars all of'em are SAITEKS with and without force feedback...i also knew recently a company called seta distrinution which has many models of good joystick and my hope {the saitek x45}


i needed something with precise throttle which can make small changes 0.5%N1 for example


thanx Ali..come to virgin it's good

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Ali Abou-Zeid

I'm going to Virgin tomorrow probably, I'm looking for a DVD, I'm sure I won't find it there, but I can ask them to get it to me. A friend of mine had a SAITEKS, but I'm not sure about the model, I last used it long ago. Good luck with that

Ali Abou-Zeid


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  • 4 years later...
Walied Kassem 1171992

Hello Ali,


I was wondering about joysticks as well. I live in egypt and I visited Compu City Mall today, but I couldn't find anything related.

Can you please help me?? I really want one no matter how much it costs. A Joystic would be nice, but what I really want is a yoke, something like this:



Can you please help me. I prefer if we can talk on email. k[Mod - Happy Thoughts][email protected]

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