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Madrid Barajas

Ben Zwebner 906832

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Ben Zwebner 906832

I just made my first FS flight into LEMD and this was AFTER i upgraded the scenery with a package that I found on AVSIM (and I installed the fix for this scenery as well). I downloaded and printed charts from Aena.


I came in for an ILS approach for runway 18L. The approach part was fun and things started to go screwy when I captured the localizer. very quickly I noticed that the Localizer was sending me very far left of the actual runway (yes it was the correct frequency) and the glideslope was also flying me into the dirt. I switched to a visual approach and I noticed that the runway that I was looking for wasnt there... it was further south that what the charts show.


After landing i discovered that I did land on 18L however in the charts that same 18L that i landed on is a closed runway...


Does anyone know of a scenery fix for madrid (not aerosoft, my FPS wil plummet) that will give me an accurate rendition of the Runways and taxiways? I already have all of the terminals (new terminal too)...Please help.. I really enjoyed flying into Madrid and i would like to make it one of my regular stops.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Oscar Farias 943033

hav you tried this page? it say something about some changes http://www.vatspa.net/es/index.php

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