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[25th January, 15-21z] Barcelona LEBL Real Ops 2014

Jorge Marzovillo

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Jorge Marzovillo




Photo by Ramón Jordi



The airport of Barcelona El Prat is the second most important airport in the whole of Spain, for that reason VATSPA is excited to be able to offer for the first ever time: Barcelona Real Ops.

Last year we saw the Madrid Barajas Real Ops and fortunately for all involved it was a huge success, even better than we had expected, for that reason we believe that Barcelona could be the same or even better!

From today we have made public the website dedicated exclusively especially for the Barcelona Real Ops event which can be found at http://realops.vatspa.aero where you are more than welcome to make your reservation today.

We hope to have your presence this coming January 25th at 15:00 UTC.

For more information about the event please visit our forum from VATSPA official site at www.vatspa.aero

ID 1174632 C3



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