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none alignment of aircraft on putting down / landing ? fsx

kenneth  gardner 1197684

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kenneth  gardner 1197684

Hello all !

Apologies if this is help request is in the wrong section .

For around 3 months, on and off, I have been frustrated with a landing problem, in that any aircraft will not put down aligned with any runway. The aircraft will crab and just prior to actual touchdown will deviate to about 15-20 degrees across the runway strip. When the runway view changes the aircraft refuses to veer with the runway ,but continues straight up the screen. Similarly, on actual touchdown the aircraft veers to the left and moves across the runway strip. On approach the aircraft will not align with the strip but flies in at a angle. This alignment problem happens with bare fsx using included aircraft and similarly is the same with addon scenery & aircraft. I have tried many reinstalls of fsx , always starting with a full format- tried install on different drives- built a new pc just for FSX, installed a new copy of fsx manufactured in Ireland- sent my controller, x52 back to Saitek for testing. Even with this new component Pc, this none alignment ON LANDING is present. I just dont know where to proceed at this juncture, just maybe someone here may be able to give some advice as to fixing the problem. ?

TO GIVE A EXAMPLE, The aircraft will fly up the length of a runway, if the strip is North to South, the aircraft's nose will be pointing around 020 degrees with the strip on a line across the wing root , flying crabwise.

Strange thing is that for a lift off, with the aircraft sitting ready to go center line- advancing the throttles it moves as normal and doesn't deviate from the line. Also in flight any aircraft behaves as normal and goes wherever the controller indicates. I now have 10 copies of fsx- tried installing all and have the same effect? PC is a desktop- running intell quad4 @ 2.5 with 8 ghig ram- new hybrid T1 type drive using a nvidia 560Ti gtx overclock video card. Display Monitor is Philips flat screen model 226v4l with a HDMI PORT & Cable . Present controller is a TH .T1600M- or TH HOTAS X Twin.

Now truly boffled and frustrated, hopefully looking for a answer? many thanks

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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

what are the winds saying? sounds like a crosswind

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kenneth  gardner 1197684

Hello Ernesto Sir, Long time no speak, Many thanks for your response. Been fighting this for many months ,on and off. The Wind direction is set to Zero- I have removed all addon wx, only using Jeppson set at fair wx or the real time whilst trying for a fix. On approach, any aircraft takes on a easterly heading of about 3-5 degrees, will not line up with rudder control and just prior to touchdown crabs along the strip- to put down alongside the runway ? - Now, i have ten copies of fsx , i doubt they are all crook? Forgot to mention in my request that pc is running win7 @ 64 bits.

Any thoughts at a cure would be most welcome- getting bald patches etc. Many thanks ken in ro.

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kenneth  gardner 1197684

Hello All,

With regard to my aircraft twisting in FSX-Can anyone tell me about P3D?? What is it and where can it be found? ( I do have 2 aircraft which has in their definition zip file p3d )

A very note able software writer to flight simulation, is thinking that FSX has a inherent bug which causes aircraft twist, and i am told that maybe this P3D might well be a fix ? Many thanks .

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Diego Vasquez

Maybe not exactly the same situation, but still reminds me of an issue I've had several times where landing using ILS, the aircraft would land paralell to the runway, offset by several dozen meters.

I have never been able to figure that one out.

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kenneth  gardner 1197684


I add that using ILS, at present, the only lamp indicator which shows is the left hand- which is probably due to this bias with aircraft set on crabbing to left of the strip. Strangely, all the years using Fsx never had the like of this problem, which became apparent, 6 months ago? I have been trying to set this problem to any Microsoft tech team but Microsoft seems to dissuade contact by routing one to many and varied Q & A Boards.

So anyone reading this , who maybe has an idea as to how to contact Microsoft Fsx Technical, I would be extremely pleased to hear from you.

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