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FSX Flight Planner Nav Database

Roger Curtiss

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Roger Curtiss

Is it possible to update the FSX default nav database in order to add RNAV waypoints that did not exist when FSX debuted?

Roger Curtiss


VP-Virtual Airlines & Special Ops




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Charan Kumar

Roger, other than using a default GPS dct, is there another purpose for updating these fixes? Because, when you use Flight plan from simroutes or even generated from PFPX etc, they all generate the GPS location waypoint in the plan and that is more than enuf for the acft and the default GPS to navigate to that point.


As long as the flight plan has it, even if the FS Database didn't have it, the GPS/acft will still navigate to the exact location. And when you get shortcuts from ATC, there is a post explaining how you can go into the flight plan of the default GPS and activate one segment of a FP to enable the acft perform a dct function, without pressing the D-> key and destroying your FP.

When is your next Flight||VATSIM HitSquad Member, ZOA/ZAK/GANDER/P1


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Don Desfosse

I was using Graham Mitchell's generous contributions to the community for a long time, until I found Herve' Sors' database updates. I give a brief discussion here: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=64762&p=466677

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Roger Curtiss

-Thanks for the replies. I d/l and installed the Sors files.


In response to Charan-I wanted to install the updated fixes so that I can fly newer STARs and RNAV approaches with aircraft that do not have an FMS. Frankly, I had forgotten about Simroutes and that may be the easiest remedy and satisfy my needs.

Roger Curtiss


VP-Virtual Airlines & Special Ops




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Charan Kumar

Kewl...one thing to remember about simroutes, the GPS fixes are always almost available, but the STARS and SIDS are sometimes missing, so what I do in those cases, is I manually put them in upto the ENROUTE segment so I still get the fixes in the flight plan. So for the PORTE5 AVE SADDE6, I end up doing SEPDY PORTE OSI WAGES AVE SADDE6, if PORTE5 were missing. This will ensure you have all the fixes in the flight plan, whether you have the fix or not in the database.

When is your next Flight||VATSIM HitSquad Member, ZOA/ZAK/GANDER/P1


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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse

I used to use simroutes until I found vRoute. I used vRoute free for about a year, and then popped for the pay version. It was a small investment that unlocked a lot more potential. If you're thinking about simroutes, I HIGHLY recommend checking out vRoute.

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Bradley Grafelman
So for the PORTE5 AVE SADDE6, I end up doing SEPDY PORTE OSI WAGES AVE SADDE6, if PORTE5 were missing. This will ensure you have all the fixes in the flight plan, whether you have the fix or not in the database.

This will sometimes ensure you have all the fixes; all too often, it won't.


For example, take KPHX-KSNA using "BXK3 PSP KAYOH5". Neither BXK3 nor KAYOH5 are on SimRoutes, so you have to revert to your manual fix entry technique. However, if you're not careful, you won't notice that the FRETS intersection on the KAYOH5 arrival is quietly ignored by SimRoutes because it has no idea where that fix is (it was created during or near the cycle where the KAYOH4 was changed to the KAYOH5).


This, of course, doesn't even touch on the fact that SimRoutes' SIDs (perhaps STARs, too?) completely ignore runway-specific transitions and instead just quietly skip ahead to the first common fix. So, if you were departing 24L at KLAX on the HOLTZ9, SimRoutes selects PEVEE as the first fix, ignoring DLREY, ENNEY, NAANC, and DOCAG.


TL;DR: Don't use SimRoutes. Have your pets spayed or neutered. Switch to TimeWarner Cable.

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