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vATIS Text retrieval for pilots

Anthony Pavlak 1058071

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Anthony Pavlak 1058071

Since vATIS loads without populating what I know to be called the "controller information" box with the ATIS text, how do pilots retrieve the text ATIS if they are not audio capable? Is it client dependent? I've had a few PIREPs with some pilots being able to see the text information by viewing the ATIS connection in their pilot client software, and others state that they are unable to retrieve the text information.


Everyone says the voice comes through great and sounds really good!




I'm probably asking this the wrong way. I can see the controller info through vatspy now, it just took 10 minutes or so before it appeared. How can I help pilots retrieve the text information with various pilot clients?

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Colin Schoen

I have always been able to retrieve the text ATIS. Do you happen to know which pilot clients the members were using who were unable to see the text atis?

Colin Schoen

VATSIM Senior Network Supervisor

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Anthony Pavlak 1058071
I have always been able to retrieve the text ATIS. Do you happen to know which pilot clients the members were using who were unable to see the text atis?


I think I jumped the gun, I'm collecting more PIREPs and folks are able to see the text information too. I'll try to get the pilot client from those who are unable to retrieve text.

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Anthony Pavlak 1058071

I think the issues were user created, people seem to get the info just fine.


I really love this program.

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Justin Shannon

Great news.

Controller (C3), Los Angeles ARTCC
Developer: xPilot, vATIS

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