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Im new here and have one quick question!

Ayrton Dravetz 959807

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Ayrton Dravetz 959807

Hi everyone Im new at Vatsim. So far I think I understand the majority of things but I have one question. I was wondering: Do you have to be working for your Virtual Airline when flying on vatsim or can you simply fly a cessna around for fun. Example: Do I need to be flying for my airline(Virtual Air Canada) out of Toronto Pearson or can I fly a cessna VFR from a nearby airpark(Just for fun and to get used to Vatsim) Any help or comments would be appreciated.


Thanks allot!


Ayrton Dravetz

Virtual Air Canada Trainee

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George Marinakis



You absolutely do not need to wait on your VA. You can fly a Cessna to your heart's content on VATSIM if you are ready to hop onto the network and start.

George S. Marinakis

VATSIM6, co-Founder, VATSIM


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Ross Moir 844817

Hello Ayrton ,

As George has suggested , you may fly anywhere , anytime in anything on the VATSIM network , VFR, IFR and even practice circuit work is always OK . If you have not already done so , go to the PIlot Resource Center , where you will find a wealth of vital information : http://www.vatsim.net/prc/




Ross Moir

Taxiway ALPHA Landing Expert

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