Dave Weese 817228 Posted March 18, 2006 at 03:58 PM Posted March 18, 2006 at 03:58 PM Hey Chris and everyone else, thanks for giving us a server to run this on. Toronto FIR has been using ACsim for over a year now via the PersonalFSD server software program. I'm trying to switch over to the vatsim server and I can not get acsim to connect. ASRC was not problem. I enter all the info in to ACsim's setting menu but the program keeps droping the .net off the end of the server IP on me I deleted acsim along with the ACsim.ini file from the windows folder and still no luck This what the first like of my ACsim.ini file looks like, I have tried editing the ini file and adding the .net but still not having any luck. [ACSIM] IPADDRESS=sweatbox.vatsim Here is the dumb question now, is there an updated version of ACsim I need? The one I have says v1.0Beta Dave Weese (CXA007) Fleet Manager Canadian Xpress Virtual Airline® http://www.CanadianXpress.ca Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Martin Leat 860888 Posted March 18, 2006 at 04:10 PM Posted March 18, 2006 at 04:10 PM I had the same problem using the BETA but with the non beta it remembers it. There are also some small changes i have noticed and it seems more stable. Martin Leat Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christopher Serio 823884 Posted March 18, 2006 at 04:12 PM Posted March 18, 2006 at 04:12 PM Yes there is a newer version that you should be able to get from your training directors. The old beta version will NOT connect to the new server. Christopher Serio, Developer XTower/AVC/XSB/ACSim (Sweatbox) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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