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Vpilot cannot find exe file

Alex Toby 1284263

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Alex Toby 1284263

I use Windows 8.1 and ill upload a screenshot something went wrong on the last one

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Alex Toby 1284263

'Window cannot find C:\User\Alex\AppData\Local\Vpilot\Vpilot.exe Make sure you've typed the name correctly,then try again'.

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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse

Did you ensure you have full control permissions on the vPilot folder?

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Alex Toby 1284263

Yep Full permissions.

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Don Desfosse

If you:

1) Hold down the Windows key and press R. (This will open the "run" box.)

2) Enter "%localappdata%\vpilot\" without the quotes and press enter


Do you see the actual vPilot.exe file in the folder?

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Alex Toby 1284263

Nope still the same error

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Don Desfosse

Not sure what that means. I am asking if the file exists in the directory. Are you saying you get that error when you Alt-R and then enter "%localappdata%\vpilot\" without the quotes and press enter?

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Scott Norton 1241275

If I understand this correctly, you are getting the same error whether you open the software via the shortcut or by navigating to the actual folder and launching the software correctly?


Does this happen with any other program?



You don't need Red Bull to get your wings.

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Alex Toby 1284263

Nope the error only happens with Vpilot

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Ernesto Alvarez 818262

have you already tried uninstalling it and reinstalling?

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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse
Not sure what that means. I am asking if the file exists in the directory. Are you saying you get that error when you Alt-R and then enter "%localappdata%\vpilot\" without the quotes and press enter?

Please go into Microsoft Explorer and find the directory. Please confirm the directory actually exists, and then please confirm the vPilot.exe file is actually in the directory.


Also, what antivirus are you using? Let's test to see if your antivirus program is somehow blocking the program. Temporarily disable your AV program and try again.


It really sounds like a permissions thing to me.

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Alex Toby 1284263

The directory exists and the Vpilot.exe exists. i use Norton for my antivrius

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Don Desfosse

OK, thanks. Previously you indicated that you verified that you have full control over the folder. Do you use UAC (I'm not familiar with Windows 8, so not sure if that even exists anymore, though I imagine it probably does). I've never heard of any AV troubles with Norton. Can't hurt to try the experiment and rule it out. Other than that, the only things I can think of are an issue with Windows (permissions) and/or a virus (though I'd think that would affect more than just vPilot).


Please let us know the results of your AV experiment. If there is no difference, then the only other thing I can think of is to boot up in safe mode and see if the program will start in Safe mode. I don't know, because I've never tried it, but I imagine you'd get error messages from within the program itself, but at least it may tell us more about how Windows is working (or not) with vPilot. Let us know (but I'm running out of ideas).

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Alex Toby 1284263

I also tried launching the program in safe mode which did not succed and the same with turning off the AV

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Don Desfosse

Just making sure -- do you use Windows Firewall (or similar firewall), and if so, did you ensure that vPilot is an allowed program.


Other than that, I'm out of "gentle" ideas. All I can think of at this point is to try Windows system restore, Windows repair, or reinstall Windows. It really sounds like a permissions thing to me. But I can't think, other than a virus (that I'd think would be affecting other programs as well), what other things could be blocking vPilot if you've already disabled your AV and any firewalls and tried in Safe mode.


Good luck.

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Alex Toby 1284263

I use Norton Firewall and ill try restoring and also thanks for ur help

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Don Desfosse

Did you add vPilot as an exception to Norton Firewall?

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Alex Toby 1284263

Yeah and its a trusted software so if should run

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  • 3 weeks later...
Alex Toby 1284263

I know the problem is Norton but how do i get Norton to leave the software?

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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse

You'd probably be best off asking Norton (e.g. read their docomeentation, ask in their forums (if they have them), or contact Norton Technical Support. I'm not intimately familiar with Norton, but you said you've marked vPilot as trusted software, yet you also say that you know it's Norton (not sure I understand). Are you using Norton both for AV and Firewall? Have you allowed vPilot as an exception (exclusion in AV, allowed program in Firewall) in both? Does this help? http://community.norton.com/en/forums/un-blocking-programs

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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