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Karan Brosman 962132

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Karan Brosman 962132

Hello i am new to vatsim, but dont worry i already know what to do (Thank God ) I just wanted to ask you guys or gals if there are any if you should start fspuic first connect then start squakbox 3, or start squak box up first then start uo fspuic? Your help is much appriciated i hope to see you in the virtual skies

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Steven Rogers 901202

As far as I know, as long as you have FSUIPC, then you can just start SB and everything should work.

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Karan Brosman 962132
As far as I know, as long as you have FSUIPC, then you can just start SB and everything should work.
Thanks for the help but as i was referring to should i start fspuic first ir squakbox?
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Karan Brosman 962132

sry to repl seperately but i forgot to add this it wont happen again. I wanted to ask if fspuic is a seperate dowload form squak box? or are they already together in one dowload???

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Norman Blackburn

SB3 has a free copy of FSUIPC with it. The latest FSUIPC can be downloaded from www.schiratti.com/dowson.html



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Karan Brosman 962132

Hello again, i already dowloaded the latest fspuic. So this is my foundational question, When I start fs 2004 and i want to go and fly online, do i have to start fspuic do the registration thingy then go and start squakbox, or start squakbox first? Also i was wondering do you always have to start up fspuic whenever you want to play online or you just have to registrate yourself oncel and then everytime you want to fly online you just start up squakbox, it dosent meantion this in the pilot help section. Your help is much appriciated.

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Joshua Ridderhoff 873800



Don't think anybody else has recognized your question yet. I did though, and the answer is © -- none of the above.


You don't manually start FSUIPC. All you have to do is put the 'fsuipc.dll' file in your FS9\Modules folder.


From there out, every time you start Flight Simulator, FSUIPC automatically is running. You won't see any other dialog boxes for it though (unless you go to Modules > FSUIPC from the menu to access the FSUIPC Options, but you only need to do that if you want to change settings, and 99% of the time you don't need to ever worry about that).


Just start up FS, load SquawkBox, and you're ready to roll!

/s/ Josh Ridderhoff

ZLC Senior Controller

Fly ZLC! | ZLC Pilot & Controller Forums

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Karan Brosman 962132

Thank you very much finally someone answered my question correct! Thank you, i appriciate it now i will go fly

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