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SQ3 Voices

Karan Brosman 962132

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Karan Brosman 962132

Hello, i was wondering if i go online and start atc will i hear it in voice and reply in text??? Also can someone also tell me how to observe a pilot. Thank you! If you know a forum topic were this is discussed redirect me to that i dont want to take too much space here.

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tom van der elst

you can tick the option to receive voice and reply in text in sb3,

or you can go all voice,or all text.

observing a pilot,i think your best bet would be

to meet one in person,actually





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Matthew Horan 901577
Hello, i was wondering if i go online and start atc will i hear it in voice and reply in text??? Also can someone also tell me how to observe a pilot. Thank you! If you know a forum topic were this is discussed redirect me to that i dont want to take too much space here.


The search function works well if you are ever in doubt that your topic has been recently discussed.


If you mean SB3 in your title, then; yes, you will be able to hear ATC on voice, given the following:


- You are tuned to an active controllers frequency (meaning, you see a callsign in the menu, and you tune the frequency next to it IE CZQM_CTR (132.200). you would tune 132.2) You only see text transmissions if a pilot is text only, or the controller was conveying something that was not understood on voice (IE, repeated attempts at phonetically spelling a waypoint fail, so use text)


Do you mean observe as a pilot? If so, then connect as normal, and insert "Newbie, observing voice/procedures/whatever you wish" in your remarks section; find a controlled field, and do the above step to listen to the communications.


Note: you do not need a mic to fly; if you want to recieve instructions on voice, and reply on text, that is fine. We will always have text, no matter how advanced society gets Just follow Tom's post, and ATC will know how to best communicate with you

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