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Carenado 850XP with Vpilot

yuval blatt 1336529

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yuval blatt 1336529


first of all im a new user of Vatsim,

so today i did some first tests on Vatsim and i connected successfully with my Carenado 850XP to Vatsim via Vpilot but i noticed that the radio is not working, but in Vpilot i can see that in com 1 im on the correct frequency but i still cant hear nothing on the radio so i tuned in to the ATIS and nothing. so i switched to the default C172 and every thing worked .

can some one help me i dont know if its because i dont have the correct rule set (i use only the FSX Default Aircraft rule set).

Thanks for helping ,


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Ross Carlson

The model matching rules have nothing to do with comms.


When you tune the frequency in the 850XP, does the RX/TX text turn white, or does it remain gray?

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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yuval blatt 1336529

it stays gray

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yuval blatt 1336529

i found the problem , for some for some reason i need to press the cold and dark button in the airplane menu and then when i turn my battery on and tune the radio it works.

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Ross Carlson

Right, the avionics must have power in order for the comms to work.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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