Christopher Denton 1312811 Posted November 4, 2015 at 03:58 AM Posted November 4, 2015 at 03:58 AM Hello! I am currently creating an airport file for KCHS (Charleston AFB/Int'l), as we are switching some training to this airport. I've created the airport file by capturing necessary intersection points in VRC; however, I have an issue. KCHS has a runway 3 and a runway 33. When I command SWEATBOX aircraft to taxi to either, they get stuck in a loop between the two. Not quite sure what is going on, as any other runway, the aircraft can find a path from pointA to pointB. A keyword search in this forum didn't return any results. Any help? Regards, Christopher Denton ZJX Facilities Engineer / C1 Christopher Denton C1 |ZJX Facilities Engineer | ZJX Asst. Events Coordinator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1275389 Posted November 4, 2015 at 04:17 AM Posted November 4, 2015 at 04:17 AM Got the file? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christopher Denton 1312811 Posted November 4, 2015 at 01:19 PM Author Posted November 4, 2015 at 01:19 PM icao=KCHS magnetic variation=8 field elevation=43 pattern elevation=1045 pattern size=1.5 initial climb props=4000 initial climb jets=4000 jet airlines=AAL,ACA,AWE,BAW,BLR,BTA,CAL,CAX,COA,CVA,DAL,DLH,EAL,EIN,FDX,FFT,JAL,JBU,KAL,KLM,ML,NEA,NWA,QFA,SAC,SAS,SWA,UAL,UPS,USA,WWA turboprop airlines=EGF,USA,COA,CJC,JZA registration=N [PARKING G1] 32.89952 -80.03279 [PARKING G2] 32.89702 -80.03090 [PARKING USAF1] 32.89680 -80.04638 [PARKING USAF2] 32.90099 -80.04585 [PARKING T1] 32.88532 -80.03958 [PARKING T2] 32.88668 -80.03736 [PARKING T3] 32.88595 -80.03613 [PARKING T4] 32.88523 -80.03474 [RUNWAY 15/33] displaced threshold=0/0 turnoff=left 32.91281 -80.04787 32.90803 -80.04422 32.90394 -80.04116 32.89929 -80.03762 32.89653 -80.03561 32.89619 -80.03527 32.89219 -80.03221 [RUNWAY 3/21] displaced threshold=0/0 turnoff=left 32.88482 -80.04534 32.89269 -80.04112 32.89653 -80.03905 32.89925 -80.03762 32.90210 -80.03610 [TAXIWAY A] 32.88764 -80.03614 32.89005 -80.03583 32.89177 -80.03577 32.89621 -80.03569 32.89666 -80.03568 32.89911 -80.03547 32.90079 -80.03546 32.90167 -80.03512 32.90206 -80.03604 [TAXIWAY A1] 32.90079 -80.03546 32.90157 -80.03601 [TAXIWAY B] 32.88613 -80.03993 32.88691 -80.04060 [TAXIWAY C] 32.89005 -80.03583 32.88480 -80.04399 32.88691 -80.04060 32.89005 -80.03583 32.89072 -80.03497 32.89147 -80.03390 32.89219 -80.03221 [TAXIWAY D] 32.89005 -80.03583 32.88674 -80.04694 32.88754 -80.04697 32.89173 -80.04460 32.89301 -80.04451 32.89705 -80.04438 32.90397 -80.04432 32.90692 -80.04648 32.91175 -80.05001 32.91281 -80.04787 [TAXIWAY E] 32.90606 -80.04779 32.90692 -80.04648 32.90803 -80.04422 32.90810 -80.04285 32.90496 -80.03932 32.90206 -80.03604 [TAXIWAY F] 32.89705 -80.04438 32.89653 -80.03905 32.89621 -80.03569 32.89619 -80.03527 32.89591 -80.03160 [TAXIWAY G] 32.89219 -80.03221 32.89291 -80.03177 32.89550 -80.03150 32.89591 -80.03160 32.89741 -80.03308 32.89758 -80.03371 32.89778 -80.03436 32.89825 -80.03475 32.89911 -80.03547 [TAXIWAY G1] 32.89758 -80.03371 32.89952 -80.03279 [TAXIWAY G2] 32.89825 -80.03475 32.89952 -80.03279 [TAXIWAY H] 32.89301 -80.04451 32.89269 -80.04112 32.89177 -80.03577 32.89147 -80.03390 [TAXIWAY J] 32.90496 -80.03932 32.90394 -80.04116 [TAXIWAY K] 32.88674 -80.04694 32.88415 -80.04876 32.88513 -80.05190 [TAXIWAY M] 32.88416 -80.03249 32.88626 -80.03400 32.88708 -80.03481 32.88756 -80.03628 Christopher Denton C1 |ZJX Facilities Engineer | ZJX Asst. Events Coordinator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
1275389 Posted November 4, 2015 at 01:31 PM Posted November 4, 2015 at 01:31 PM And what command & arguments are you using? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christopher Denton 1312811 Posted November 4, 2015 at 09:49 PM Author Posted November 4, 2015 at 09:49 PM The .air file loaded contains just one test aircraft. .air file is next on my list. N470ER:C172:P:V:KCHS:KCHS:1500:CLOSED TRAFFIC:/v/:1200:S:32.89952:-80.03279:0:0:0 Unpause. Then, I have to get N470ER moving before I can type another command, so: taxi G2 G A 21 Next, add an aircraft at the terminal. add i l j @T1 Select that aircraft, tell it to taxi to Runway 33. taxi B C 33 It will taxi off the ramp, and start traveling towards taxiway A, then turn around at A. If I tell it to taxi to Runway 3, I'm told that taxiway C and Runway 3 do not intersect, which is a different problem I can fix. Christopher Denton C1 |ZJX Facilities Engineer | ZJX Asst. Events Coordinator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Christopher Denton 1312811 Posted November 4, 2015 at 10:17 PM Author Posted November 4, 2015 at 10:17 PM Sigh. I fixed it. False alarm. It was a copy/paste error, resulting in an erroneous coordinate. Thanks for looking at it. Christopher Denton C1 |ZJX Facilities Engineer | ZJX Asst. Events Coordinator Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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