John Sanders Posted July 6, 2016 at 05:45 PM Posted July 6, 2016 at 05:45 PM I have been asked in the past why I can't except amenddments to my flightplans and why I'm not able to except instructions to when ready for taxie. The reason why I can't except any amendments to my flightplans at the moment when I'm requesting clearance is because I don't use a fmc or a fms. My aircraft are able to do gps navigation. I use a program called ItsYourPlane. It helps me in navigating my aircraft. All I need to do is to talk to the program and it operates my aircraft for me. And the program talks back and confirms my instructions. The program does not have a flightplanner where I can add and edit waypoints. I do use this one other program to help me in creating my flightplans with proper waypoints. The program can mess up at points. Microsoft Flight Simulator X; the simulator that I use doesn't always pick up the star that I file for. The gps will take me direct to my arrival airport. When I take off, Flight Simulator X ignores sids and stars at times. There's nothing I can do about that. With out ItsYourPlane, I wouldn't be able to fly my aircraft. Taxieing to the runway and slewing When I'm requesting taxie, I've gotten the question why can't I taxi to the runway? The suggestion had been brought up to the developer of ItsYourPlane about putting the ability to tell the program to taxie. The developer didn't want to put all of the waypoints and there longitudes and latitudes in the system because they thought that it would be to time consuming. That's why I have to slew to the runway. That's why I always ask if I can slew to the runway. I hope this helps . Sincerely, John Sanders Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ernesto Alvarez 818262 Posted July 6, 2016 at 07:56 PM Posted July 6, 2016 at 07:56 PM There are several users doing the same But i would however recommend only filing what you intend to fly. Will reduce confusion, so if the gps doesnt have the sid or star or its missing those waypoints, dont file it or accept it if [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned. Otherwise theyll be expecting you to fly it. Taxiing. Some users with similar disabilities simply ask the controller when ready if they can respawn on the runway as some addons dont do good with slewing Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anthony Tibbs Posted October 11, 2016 at 06:42 PM Posted October 11, 2016 at 06:42 PM Honestly, the simplest answer in my view would be to only file a flight plan that you can actually fly, and ask for vectors onto your field route if a specific outbound routing is needed. While more and more planes (even light GA planes) now have sophisticated FMS-like, RNAV -capable systems, this isn't a requirement. It may mean a bit more work for ATC but they will understand what "no SIDs, no STARs, no charts" means I'm sure. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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