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Newbie setup question after reading the PRC

Chris Moore 886611

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Chris Moore 886611

Hi there,


I'm basically a newbie. Been a VATSIM member for a long time, and connected once or twice

years ago, but I'm essentially beginning from scratch.


In the PRC, in section 103, it says I need "either SquawkBox 3 or FSInn with AVC".

I chose the latter, and installed FSInn and AVC. Then, in section 103a where it

talks about setting up AVC, step 8 says "Start FS and SB as normal...". I didn't install

SB - I thought I didn't need it. Do I need both SB and AVC?


Thanks for your help.



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Bryan Wollenberg 810243

You only need one or the other. I [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ume that should read "Start FS and FSINN as normal."

You definitely don't need both.

Bryan Wollenberg


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