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FS Problem

Steven Farmer 945012

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Steven Farmer 945012



Lately I have been expierencing problems with FS. When ever I look around the VC, and outside view, the aircraft, or cockpit always looks grey, with no design on it, probibly for about 5-7 seconds, than the normal aircraft skin appeares(it's difficult to explain). Usally I use my PMDG 737 NG.


My system information:


AMD Athlon 64 processor


2.00 GHz, 1.00 GB of RAM


Video Card: GeForce 6200 AGP 256MB


Any help would well appreciated.



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Nicholas Bartolotta 912967

FS is loading the textures, my best guess would be to get a faster processor, and it should help...but I am not totally sure. I have a 2.8Ghz processor and it sometimes happens to me for like literally just a second.

Nick Bartolotta - ZSE Instructor, pilot at large


"Just fly it on down to within a inch of the runway and let it drop in from there."

- Capt. Don Lanham, ATA Airlines

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