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Shared cockpit question

Steven Anderson 1369957

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Steven Anderson 1369957

Hello! I have a quick question for you all;

My friend and I are trying to fly the PMDG 737 together (shared cockpit) on the VATSIM network. We're using vpilot to connect to VATSIM and desk-pilot to connect together but following on from that, how does he actually sit inside my cockpit?

Sorry for the silly question!

- Steven

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Hey Steven,


If you are trying to get set up with Desk Pilot, I'm not really useful for you.

If you're trying to get set up with vPilot (which I'm [Mod - Happy Thoughts]uming since you posted in this forum), just follow the instructions from the docomeentation.

To use [shared cockpit], the first pilot should connect to the network normally, and the second pilot should connect in observer mode. The second pilot must use the same callsign as the first pilot, with a letter appended to the end.


For example, if the first pilot's callsign is JBU123, the second pilot should use JBU123A. (Any letter will do, it doesn't have to be A.) By doing this, the second pilot's copy of vPilot will not try to display the first pilot's aircraft in the sim.

I hope that makes sense...


If you are physically trying to see him in your cockpit (as an avatar), I am almost completely certain that is impossible (with either software above).

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