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Wycliffe Barrett

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Wycliffe Barrett

MAybe I'm being lazy or I simply am Not equal to the task, but has any one come up with a decent colour scheme for their scope set up.


What I have done and really I should have taken a screen shot is to make some minor adjustments which make the screen look a little better for my eyes.


for example


Low Airways = bright yellow, this allows me to see all my holds and taxiways.


CTR boundary = white, that looks really good against the black background.


VOR's NDB's and fixes = Blue


Radio Selected Aircraft =yellow


Aircraft trails + light green



It kind of all works for me but as I say if anyone else has a colour scheme that looks cool I'd like to see it.

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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Matthew Horan 901577

I've set mine to the colour scheme at the ACC - fairly accurate, and I love it.. will post a shot and the info when I get home

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Wycliffe Barrett

Roger that

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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Wycliffe Barrett

MAtthew still waiting to see that shot.

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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