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VRC Loading Problem

Steven Rogers 901202

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Steven Rogers 901202

Sometimes (ok, most of the time) when I load up VRC, I am met with a grey screen. Much like in the picture attached. But whats strange is if I click where the voice comms bit is, it works. It's just like a mask.


Any ideas? It works fine sometimes.


PC Specs:

512 Mb RAM

AMD Athlon 1.4 GHz processor

NVIDIA GForce FX 5200 128Mb



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Steven Rogers 901202

Just after posting I had an epiphany and updated graphics card drivers and it now works fine.

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Dominic Manning 811381

Just incase someone else has this problem, what was the old driver version and what is the new one.

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Steven Rogers 901202

It was just the newest one I downloaded from the NVIDIA site.

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Wycliffe Barrett

You should watch out for those epiphany's they can catch you unawares and at the most inconvienient of times.

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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Norm Hare 907837

I had an epiphany once, but since I could neither pronounce nor spell the word, I wasn't able tell anyone.

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Steven Rogers 901202
I had an epiphany once, but since I could neither pronounce nor spell the word, I wasn't able tell anyone.



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Wycliffe Barrett
Posted (edited)

Now you see we could get into a huge ecomeenical debate but all I will say is that epiphany's or is that epiphanie generally happen on the road to Damascus.


Now Damascus is a real place but could actually be refered to as a virtual place as now epiphany's can happen at the most ludicrous of times and more importantly anywhere.


6am is a good time I generally have mine about then.


Especially when I have been working on a notty problem till 2am regarding Dreamweaver or trying to get the FMC to work in 737 PIC.


So my road to Damascus is generally when I am lying in my bed.


the logical extension of this discussion is the Damascus roads can be anywhere we want them to be.


It would be interesting to conduct a study on the number of different Damascillian road types there are. Could one gain a Masters Degree in this, I feel the need to conduct some reserach on this matter.


(very much tongue in cheek)

Edited by Guest

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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Tom Meyer 944876

Wycliffe, you never hesitate to make me laugh.



Could one gain a Masters Degree in this,

I think a better question would be, would one want to gain a Masters Degree in this.

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Wycliffe Barrett

Tom the answer is I bet you can buy a Masters Degree in this online somewhere. hahahahahaha





I aim to amuse confuse and befuddle.

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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Wycliffe Barrett

I've had another one.


Phew that was good.

Wycliffe Barrett: C3 Controller


"if god meant for us to fly, he would have given us tickets" Mel Brooks

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