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Mid East Night Event procedures

Ali Abou-Zeid

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Ali Abou-Zeid

Hi guys,


Since tomorrow is the Mid East Night event. I would like to familiarize pilots with the procedures for departing and arriving aircraft.


First of all there are no standard departures and arrivals routes or any other systematic procedures establisehd within Egyptian airspace so, heading, flight level, speed and/or holding instructions shall be specified in approach control clearences to arriving & departing flights as appropriate to meet the requirements of traffic conditions.


So, in other words, it's the controller's choice depending on the condition of traffic to make the decisions. So expect the following:


Departing Aircraft


You will always be given vectored departure. For example


P: Is for Pilot

C: Is for Controller


P: Cairo Tower, good evening, MSR772 (EgyptAir 772) requesting IFR clearence to Frankfurt

C: MSR772, good evening, cleared to Frankfurt as filed, fly runway heading, climb and maintain 5000ft, departure on runway 5L, squawk 2301


Something like that. Same way in all Egyptian airports.



Arriving Aircraft


In order to make things simple, it's decided to avoid the published procedure turn approaches to the ILS. Instead we will use a standard traffic pattern. That's what actually happens here in Egypt. So, expect vectors for a traffic pattern after being handed off to APP controller. However, pilots are free to request that they want to fly the procedure turn, but please be sure that you can do it to avoid conflicts, also, make sure to inform the controller on initial contact that you want the procedure turn. The problem here is the steep turn to intercept the localizer.


Well, I think that's all for last minute instructions to pilots.


I hope you will enjoy the event tomorrow!

Ali Abou-Zeid


What Centreline??

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