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Please Help Me.....

Jay Moody 918083

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Jay Moody 918083



Ok now, let me explain my problem. I have downloaded Advanced Voice Client and installed it and I have plugged my microphone into the pink jack on the back of my hard drive. When it comes time to do the microphone tests it says my mike level is to cold. No problem, I just turn everything up on the Windows Mixer Sound Recording tab. No, it still won't work.


Can someone please help me??




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Steven Rogers 901202

If you are using SB3 you do not need AVC as it is built into the program.


As for the mic tests, I don't trust them, just use a program like sound recorder to make sure everything is at the right level and the microphone is working. If it isn't, make sure you've got microphone ticked in the sound recording panel of the volume options.

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Jay Moody 918083

I'm using SB3. I have microphone ticked but it won't work in sound recorder either.




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Ross Moir 844817

Hello Jay ,

As Steve pointed out , you do not need AVC , as it comes built into SB3. If your MIC is not working in Sound Recorder , then it is either broken ( get a new one) or you need to adjust the RECORDING levels within your sound card. Have you installed the latest drivers for your sound card? This can also sometimes help.


Ross Moir

Taxiway ALPHA Landing Expert

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Ruth McTighe 824054

Does your mike work in Windows? or is it just in SB3 it won't work?



Ruth McTighe

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