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Cache Memory

Anibal Rivera 946565

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Anibal Rivera 946565

hi, yesterday, inmediately after selecting ADD AREA (scenery), there is a choice that says : 1. Cache this scenery or 2. Use this scenery directly... Ill included the picture if possible.


Does anyone know what's this and which option is better for performance


From some of the university eng. courses I understand that Cache memory is faster than many memories like RAM, ROM, and some others..which in turn would speed up some things within fs9. Unlikely to happen that fast using RAM or the hard disk

thank you cyaaa

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Owen Catherwood 903683

With FS9, caching means having a ready-to-go version of the scenery taking up room on your HD. This is meant for computers with little RAM, using the HD as a swap file. If you have enough RAM, you'll always want to use the "Use this scenery directly" option.

KZSE C3/Facilities Administrator


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