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No voice from some ATC

Peter Lowry 832131

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Peter Lowry 832131

I seem to have a problem with voice from some ATC stations. For example, flying KLGA to CYYZ two nights ago I had two-way voice with the ground and departure controllers. But when handed on to Boston Center the controller could hear me but I could not hear him so we had to revert to text. Then when handed on to New York, Cleavland, and finanlly Toronto, I had no problem, communicating in voice as usual. The problem has been ongoing for a while and I have found that some controllers can overcome it by changing servers. I have been told by some that they find some aircraft can hear them and some cannot. I fly online behind an SMC router with two ports opened as MS says is required for the multiplayer function. I would like to know if there is anything I might be able to do about this.



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