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Push to Talk button problem

Panu Fabritius 1127654

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Panu Fabritius 1127654

This problem is solved. Had to [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ign new button from keyboard so that the hardware PTT would start to work.




I have a replica A320 sidestick which I'm trying to get to work with vPilot. My vPilot and P3D is on the same computer.


The PTT button on the sidestick works and I can also set it up as a working PTT button in TeamSpeak.


I have JeeHell running my Airbus.


In vPilot setup there are no problems to set keyboard buttons as PTT buttons but for some reason it does not react when I'm trying to [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ign the sidestick as PTT button. Could this be an issue because of the sidestick hardware?


Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this?





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