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Japan Airlines Virtual - 10 Year Anniversary & Events!

Jamie Clarke

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Jamie Clarke

Press Release: Japan Airlines Virtual turns 10!




On this day 10 years ago in 2007 a new Virtual Airline was born and its name was Japan Airlines Virtual.

JAL Virtual was started by an avid 13-year-old aviation enthusiast, we started on a free host under the domain jalvirtual.x10hosting.com, our website was very basic and we had no PIREP system whatsoever, we were using a web form to submit ours pireps. A small VA starting in an area with many established and well respected airlines at the time, at the start it was rough, inexperience and lack of skills plagued us for the first 6 months, however after that we steadied ourselves and became a more professional organization with the registering of our domain name jalvirtual.org/jalvirtual.com.


After two years, it was time for the first big upgrade of JAL Virtual. We were one of the first adapters of the then new and revolutionary PHPVMS pireps system, a system that we use to this very day. For our airline, this system is our backbone and a key pillar to our success, due to the nature of this software we were greatly able to offer many different features and expand our scope of activities. During this period, we experimented with many different things such as training programs, greater cooperation with online flight simulator network’s and virtual airline alliances. Some of them were great successes and some of them failed but from experimenting and trying, we learned a lot.


A great influx of new pilots joined our ranks, an amazing sense of community was established between our members, teamspeak voice chats/flights were very common, new friends were made and connections established. By this time, we were experiencing double digit flights per day and over 1,000 flights a month. Also, updated our image and brought back the circle crane logo, just like our real-life counterpart.


Now to the present, we have made it to 10 years, today, we are now 10 years old, its breath taking to see our amazing story unfold and evolve over that span of time, it brings great joy, pride and strength to every member of JAL Virtual. Everything, that we have done with our members, other VA’s, online networks and the flight simulator community in general, matters. Everything that we have built up as an organization over the last 10 years has now blossomed like a Sakura tree. It’s all worth it in the end.


Fly into tomorrow virtually! – We can look back into our past, look upon proudly. Our future, is more important, we are at a milestone year, and milestone years deserve, special attention. Our third evolution is coming over the next few months, that is an entirely new system, new website. Also throughout the coming months we will be having 10 events for our members and the community. Please see the previous post for that.


We are now 10 years old, what will the next 10 years bring JAL Virtual? We can only watch and see. But for now, we celebrate this milestone and look into the future.


For the Love of Aviation.


Touy Smith


Founder and CEO of Japan Airlines Virtual.




[email protected]




Japan Airlines Virtual is celebrating its 10th anniversary of operations from April 1st 2017 onwards. We would like to share this milestone achievement of our virtual airline with our pilots and the wider flight simulation community. Feel Free to join JAL VIRTUAL events. Voice communication will be conducted via our discord server: https://discord.gg/YgATVRt


Throughout the course of the next few months we will be having 10 different events under the banner “10 YEARS EVENT #X”. We are open and interested in having a wide variety of events, if you are interested in in collaborating with us in an event, or want to invite JAL VIRTUAL to your event, please send us an email to [email protected]


10 YEARS EVENT #1 Tokyo RJTT to Okinawa(Naha) ROAH

Sign up(guests allowed): http://jalvirtual.com/en/index.php/ccevents/event/41

FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1898177963739564/


10 YEARS EVENT #2 Tokyo, Japan RJAA to Honolulu, USA PHNL

Sign up(guests allowed): http://jalvirtual.com/en/index.php/ccevents/event/42

FB EVENT: https://www.facebook.com/events/1653384811637154/

Best Regards,


Jamie Clarke

Japan Airlines Virtual HR.


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