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Using XSquawkbox without AI

Tom Monavu 1396442

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Tom Monavu 1396442



I'm new to VATSIM and X-Plane. I'm using X-Plane 11 and wondering if I can use XSquawkbox and X-Plane without a traffic add-on. I'm waiting for the release of World Traffic 3. I understand I wouldn't be able to see other aircraft of course but that would be OK for now, I'm more interested in the ATC portion.


Would that be possible? Does XSquawkbox/VATSIM require AI aircraft to be installed?


Thank you!


- Tom

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Mathew Sutcliffe

XSquawkBox does not require any AI aircraft addon to be installed, and will not use any aircraft models of any AI aircraft addons you might have installed, so your online flying experience would gain nothing from it. WorldTraffic aircraft follow pre-defined flight paths, so if you tried to use WorldTraffic and XSquawkBox together you would just see two completely different groups of aircraft: the online human-piloted VATSIM traffic and the mechanical computer-controlled WorldTraffic, which would just be confusing.


XSquawkBox comes with its own aircraft models. It accepts the installation of additional models using the CSL file format only. There are many available at The Org. Those using the new OBJ8 CSL format will give the best graphical experience.

swift - Developer
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Tom Monavu 1396442

Thanks Matthew, I appreciate the clarification. I wasn't aware that XSquawkbox brings its own models with it. I [Mod - Happy Thoughts]umed it was like vPilot, just a client without any models. I've heard about the OBJ8 models and I've read about the issues people were having, like crashing the sim and lighting issues the models were having. I thought those models were just for the 'regular' AI traffic.


I'm going to look into it and see if I can find a good tutorial or step-by-step instructions on how to install the models and make it all work. In case you're aware of a good tutorial or a place for me to start I would appreciate a hint.


Like I said, I'm new to X-Plane and things are slightly different than with P3D.


Thanks again for your help!


- Tom

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