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[Feature Request] RTE Amendments

Evan Reiter

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Evan Reiter

This may have already been asked for...if so, I apologize for a double-post. Didn't see it in the board.


When doing route amendments, I'm told (by another controller) that real-world ERAM has the ability to insert the current location of the aircraft into the route (so the amended route would be something like ./.BOS011033.SEY.ROBER2). However, I don't see an option for that in vERAM. Is it something we could request?


In addition to the realism benefits, this would be helpful as in some cases when I try to shortcut aircraft (i.e., change "LUCOS SEY ROBER2 to CCC ROBER2"), I need to insert a reference point at the beginning or vERAM just changes the route but doesn't delete out the first waypoints (i.e., I get "LUCOS CCC ROBER2" instead of "CCC ROBER2"). Can't quite figure out which scenarios those are yet, but either way having this feature would be handy.


Evan Reiter
Boston Virtual ARTCC/ZBW Community Manager


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Matthew Bartels


Requested multiple times Evan. Requested multiple times.

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.

Forever and always "Just the events guy"

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You're looking for the QU re-route command. I believe the usage is QU CCC JBU123. It is not currently implemented sadly :|

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  • 2 weeks later...
Brandon Rodgers 1077574

Unfortunately Vatsim doesn't have flight data processing like the NAS does. When we QU FIX CID in the real world, the flight data program knows what fixes are left of the aircraft's route as well as where the aircraft is located in time and space.


So when you try to shortcut someone using AM CID RTE SOMEFIX it doesn't know what to do with it.


In the real world, we had to do what is it called a 6-7-10 amendment where :

6 was the reference fix AIR230050.

7 was the time you wanted to enter into the computer for it know when it was at the fix.

10 was the route... You had to put the reference fix in first, then type in the rest of the route or shortcut you gave.



VEram, you can do a simple shortcut via AM CID RTE LIT250070..BYP

The original route would be something like LIT MLC BYP BYP5.

After entering the above route amendment, you would get LIT250070 BYP BYP5.


Lets say for example the route is LIT BYP5 and you sent them to a fix on the arrival... It doesn't exist in the flight plan.. so you have to tie it back into the route. So if I want the plane to go direct BYP I type..

AM CID RTE LIT250070..BYP.BYP5 OR you can also type AM CID RTE BYP.BYP5

This gets us the route of LIT250070 BYP BYP5 or BYP.BYP5

The first one looks better when you show the aircraft's route, but the second one will have the same result correct routing.

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Ryan Geckler

Even as a compromise, I'd be fine with having to tie in the shortcut manually... at least I don't have to type the FRD

Ryan Geckler - GK | Former VATUSA3 - Division Training Manager

VATSIM Minneapolis ARTCC | FAA Miami ARTCC 


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Even as a compromise, I'd be fine with having to tie in the shortcut manually... at least I don't have to type the FRD ;)


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Dhruv Kalra
Even as a compromise, I'd be fine with having to tie in the shortcut manually... at least I don't have to type the FRD


Dhruv Kalra

VATUSA ZMP ATM | Instructor | VATSIM Network Supervisor


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  • 3 weeks later...
nick navarro 1082318

For some reason whenever I do a route AM posted above, It deletes the filed TAS and somehow the pilots notice to make things worse. Changes the filed TAS to 000.

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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse

Any clue how the pilots notice?

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Any clue how the pilots notice?

If you were to fetch the plan again or look at it on an external site it would show up.

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Ryan Savara 1369362
For some reason whenever I do a route AM posted above, It deletes the filed TAS and somehow the pilots notice to make things worse. Changes the filed TAS to 000.

I thought once a controller amended the flight plan, it was "locked" on the pilot side, and only controllers could further edit it.

Senior Student (S3)

Chicago ARTCC Events Coordinator

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Ross Carlson
For some reason whenever I do a route AM posted above, It deletes the filed TAS and somehow the pilots notice to make things worse. Changes the filed TAS to 000.

I thought once a controller amended the flight plan, it was "locked" on the pilot side, and only controllers could further edit it.


That's correct. He's saying that when a controller issues the AM RTE command, it has the undesired side effect of zeroing the TAS.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Ryan Savara 1369362

He was implying "pilots make it worse" so I was [Mod - Happy Thoughts]uming there was some problem/interaction with pilots over TAS. I've never been bothered by it (sometimes if I don't prefilled I just enter in 400), but I guess all pilots are different.


But yes there is still the issue of it being set back to 000

Senior Student (S3)

Chicago ARTCC Events Coordinator

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nick navarro 1082318

I only discovered it when I had 2 pilots PM me on center within one hour and what my reason was for deleting their TAS. I told them it was a mistake and AM the speed back in. I'm sure most pilots wouldn't notice or care. I was just bring it up to use caution.

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