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AccuMap - VATSIMs newest and best "Who's online" client!

Eoin Motherway 1315348

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Eoin Motherway 1315348


Accomeap v1 is out in the wild and available to all Windows users!

Our MacOS version is still in development and will be ready for download before Cross the Pond Eastbound 2017!


Special thanks to all of our developers, contributors, and testers for making this possible!


You can download it from our website here: http://accomeap-project.com/

If you have any issues, feel free to send them to us also via the website.


Happy simming!


Please note: There are still some small issues with the app, but it's nothing that makes it unusable. Besides, we have a bug report tool for everything

C1 Controller

/O Pacific Oceanic Endorsement

BICC_FSS (Iceland Radio) Endorsement

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Johnny Coughlan

Thanks Eoin and team,


Great job!,


Hope this gets a good push by VATSIM so the general community population know about it.

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Joseph Donat

Looks very nice.


A little bit of feedback, even if I've only spent a few minutes with it.

I'd much prefer it if I could set it to display aircraft callsigns and airport ICAO codes without me clicking on them. It's also hard to tell between an upper control station (Such as Eurocontrol) and a normal one. http://i.imgur.com/lXubOIe.png For some reason, here Croatia and half of Bosnia-Herzegovina appear to be different colours from the rest of the FIRs, despite them not having any other ATC on. Could it be related to the fact that Zagreb covers its Balkan neighbours? I'd also like to be able to see which positions are on at an airport without having to click it.


For me, something with the design of VatSpy, but a better back-end would work perfectly. For now I'm going to stick with VatSpy, but I look forward to seeing the progress that this makes.

Joseph Donat
Deputy Division Director, VATSIM Middle East & North Africa  
vACC Director, VATSIM Kuwait & Iraq
##  joseph.donat@vatsim.me 





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  • Board of Governors
Gunnar Lindahl
Thanks Eoin and team,


Great job!,


Hope this gets a good push by VATSIM so the general community population know about it.


Oh it will.


Great job!


Eoin - would you be able to PM me your email address or alternatively chuck an email my way at g.lindahl (at) vatsim.net?




## g.lindahl@vatsim.net
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Ira Robinson
Looks very nice.


A little bit of feedback, even if I've only spent a few minutes with it.

I'd much prefer it if I could set it to display aircraft callsigns and airport ICAO codes without me clicking on them. It's also hard to tell between an upper control station (Such as Eurocontrol) and a normal one. http://i.imgur.com/lXubOIe.png For some reason, here Croatia and half of Bosnia-Herzegovina appear to be different colours from the rest of the FIRs, despite them not having any other ATC on. Could it be related to the fact that Zagreb covers its Balkan neighbours? I'd also like to be able to see which positions are on at an airport without having to click it.


For me, something with the design of VatSpy, but a better back-end would work perfectly. For now I'm going to stick with VatSpy, but I look forward to seeing the progress that this makes.



Well that didn't take very long lol

Two hours after the announced release we have our very first "it's nice but..."

You just have to love it. And we wonder why people are hard pressed to create apps for us.

Well, congratulations to the authors of this project and thank you for taking the time to create something new for VATSIM.

Oh, and I haven't bothered to download it yet so it would be nice if you could make everything that is blue, red, and everything that is red, blue.

And green! Yes, green. We need more green! I can't imagine ever using it unless there is more green!


Thanks again guys. Really.


Ira Robinson

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Paul Tyquin

Congratulations to Eoin, Jacob and the Accomeap team!


These guys have brought a new spanner into the works with accurate FIR Boundaries which is something that most products lacked in the market.


I've been following this project for quiet some time now and cannot question the commitment and time they've all put into this project.


A long road ahead for the team but I think we all look forward to seeing what develops.

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Ross Carlson

Looks great, well done! I agree that showing aircraft callsigns on the map would be a great addition. I would also love to see airports with some indication of which positions are staffed at the airport (ATIS, DEL, GND, TWR.)

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Antony Radley
Looks very nice.


A little bit of feedback, even if I've only spent a few minutes with it.

I'd much prefer it if I could set it to display aircraft callsigns and airport ICAO codes without me clicking on them. It's also hard to tell between an upper control station (Such as Eurocontrol) and a normal one. http://i.imgur.com/lXubOIe.png For some reason, here Croatia and half of Bosnia-Herzegovina appear to be different colours from the rest of the FIRs, despite them not having any other ATC on. Could it be related to the fact that Zagreb covers its Balkan neighbours? I'd also like to be able to see which positions are on at an airport without having to click it.


For me, something with the design of VatSpy, but a better back-end would work perfectly. For now I'm going to stick with VatSpy, but I look forward to seeing the progress that this makes.



Well that didn't take very long lol

Two hours after the announced release we have our very first "it's nice but..."

You just have to love it. And we wonder why people are hard pressed to create apps for us.

Well, congratulations to the authors of this project and thank you for taking the time to create something new for VATSIM.

Oh, and I haven't bothered to download it yet so it would be nice if you could make everything that is blue, red, and everything that is red, blue.

And green! Yes, green. We need more green! I can't imagine ever using it unless there is more green!


Thanks again guys. Really.


Feedback and constructive criticism is what drives development. You cannot create something in a bubble, feedback is important. I commend people that take the time to write concise feedback so that developers can understand what the user is seeing. Its a great start and I hope development continues (I just downloaded and starting to play with it now).

Oakland ARTCC Events Coordinator - S-3


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Jacob Holmes 1310219

Feedback is very important for us in the Accomeap team. above all we are still learning ourselves and all of our developers are in school which makes it even harder. Thus our feedback system at http://accomeap-project.com/problem is critical for all users in order to make it a better experience. We also thank everyone who has already submitted feedback or who have just downloaded the application.


For some reason, here Croatia and half of Bosnia-Herzegovina appear to be different colours from the rest of the FIRs, despite them not having any other ATC on. Could it be related to the fact that Zagreb covers its Balkan neighbours?

Joseph, the reason for that is that we have setup the sector layout for Zagreb but not for the other FIRs, as we setup the sectors for it's neighbours it would be a lot less confusing.


set it to display aircraft callsigns and airport ICAO codes without me clicking on them [...] see which positions are on at an airport without having to click it

These two points are on our consideration list and may come in the future.

VATPAC - C1 Oceanic Endorsed

Italy & EGLC - Visiting Controller

Accomeap - Developer


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Andreas Fuchs

Back to topic!


I installed Accomeap last night and liked it. I echo what Paul and Ross have written. It would also be nice if you could add VATBOOK-data (if you need help, let me know) and also a flightplan-/route-search with vroute and FlightAware. This would upgrade it quite a bit. It would also be nice if there was an easy way to import friends-lists from other programs. Maybe I did not install the right files, but the routes of all planes are shown as simple great-circle lines and not their flightplan routes. Maybe you can do something about it.


I primarily use Qutescoop, because I get a lot of stuff there: online-status, ATC-bookings, flightplans.


We can all see how much dedication, time and effort has been invested into this program, I applaud you for this! Keep going, you are only at the beginning of a great thing.

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Thimo Koolen

Looks great Thank you for the hard work put in this application!


Is it just me or does the screen move really slow? It's not smooth at all.


ACCNL4 (Training Director) - Dutch VACC

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Thimo Koolen

I can't seem to remove the installer file. The first time I removed it from my desktop and refreshed my desktop, it went back with this not-existing icon. I can remove it how many times I want, but it still gets back after every refresh. Even after a PC restart it's still there.




What can I do?


EDIT: I'm logged in as administrator on my PC, but it still says I got no permissions to do anything with this file.




ACCNL4 (Training Director) - Dutch VACC

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Bradley Flood 1311363

Thanks all for your feedback!


Back to topic!


I installed Accomeap last night and liked it. I echo what Paul and Ross have written. It would also be nice if you could add VATBOOK-data (if you need help, let me know) and also a flightplan-/route-search with vroute and FlightAware. This would upgrade it quite a bit. It would also be nice if there was an easy way to import friends-lists from other programs. Maybe I did not install the right files, but the routes of all planes are shown as simple great-circle lines and not their flightplan routes. Maybe you can do something about it.


I primarily use Qutescoop, because I get a lot of stuff there: online-status, ATC-bookings, flightplans.


We can all see how much dedication, time and effort has been invested into this program, I applaud you for this! Keep going, you are only at the beginning of a great thing.


In regards to VATBOOK integration, it is definitely something we are looking into as there seems to be a lot of demand for something like this. The routes of all planes are just great circle mapped at the moment, the reason being that we do not have a current AIRAC data source (Navigraph?) to allow us to map their current flight planned route. Also performance is a key factor, and it would need to be thoroughly tested first. It may be on the horizon, but I can't make any promises at this stage.


Looks great Thank you for the hard work put in this application!


Is it just me or does the screen move really slow? It's not smooth at all.


If when you pan the map, there are slight jitters, that is normal (for now), but this is slowly being worked on as updates progress.


I can't seem to remove the installer file. The first time I removed it from my desktop and refreshed my desktop, it went back with this not-existing icon. I can remove it how many times I want, but it still gets back after every refresh. Even after a PC restart it's still there.


EDIT: I'm logged in as administrator on my PC, but it still says I got no permissions to do anything with this file.



That's a weird one and it's to do with your computer settings/permissions. I'm afraid I don't know a fix, but you can try re-booting into safe mode and try deleting it from there as suggested here. Other than that, I have no idea (sorry).

VATSIM Controller 1 Rated



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Christoph Reule 1379750

Just downloaded and installed Accomeap, looks promising, keep on going!


Btw: a first look on the debug window (I noticed UKR_CTR was not completely displayed)...


Current Version: 1.0.0
HTTP error 404 retrieving http://accomeap-project.com/res/FIRSubSectors/all/FIRPoly/UKDV.kml?f=1503648406083
Unable to retrieve http://accomeap-project.com/res/FIRSubSectors/all/FIRPoly/UKDV.kml?f=1503648406083
JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined on line 610 for file:///D:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Accomeap/resources/app.asar/scripts/sectors.js
HTTP error 404 retrieving http://accomeap-project.com/res/FIRSubSectors/all/FIRPoly/UKDV.kml?f=1503648406083

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Thimo Koolen


That's a weird one and it's to do with your computer settings/permissions. I'm afraid I don't know a fix, but you can try re-booting into safe mode and try deleting it from there as suggested here. Other than that, I have no idea (sorry).


Safe mode seems to have fixed it. Thank you for the suggestion.


ACCNL4 (Training Director) - Dutch VACC

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Andreas Fuchs

Hi Brad,

In regards to VATBOOK integration, it is definitely something we are looking into as there seems to be a lot of demand for something like this. The routes of all planes are just great circle mapped at the moment, the reason being that we do not have a current AIRAC data source (Navigraph?) to allow us to map their current flight planned route. Also performance is a key factor, and it would need to be thoroughly tested first. It may be on the horizon, but I can't make any promises at this stage.
very good. Please drop me a message if you need details on how to read VATBOOK-data from its source. Also, for AIRAC data, you may want to make it an option: if users install an AIRAC format of your choice (Qutescoop uses XPlane-data, but there may be more convenient formats for your cause), routes could be displayed in detail, otherwise GC-lines. But I agree, should it degrade performance significantly, then leave it out, for now.


For vroute-flightplans (read only) it is possible to directly access their database, you just need to get in touch with Michal Rok, the author and operator of this service.

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Jacob Holmes 1310219
Just downloaded and installed Accomeap, looks promising, keep on going!


Btw: a first look on the debug window (I noticed UKR_CTR was not completely displayed)...


Current Version: 1.0.0
HTTP error 404 retrieving http://accomeap-project.com/res/FIRSubSectors/all/FIRPoly/UKDV.kml?f=1503648406083
Unable to retrieve http://accomeap-project.com/res/FIRSubSectors/all/FIRPoly/UKDV.kml?f=1503648406083
JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined on line 610 for file:///D:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Accomeap/resources/app.asar/scripts/sectors.js
HTTP error 404 retrieving http://accomeap-project.com/res/FIRSubSectors/all/FIRPoly/UKDV.kml?f=1503648406083

Fixed! We had some naming differences on the server, thanks for that report!

VATPAC - C1 Oceanic Endorsed

Italy & EGLC - Visiting Controller

Accomeap - Developer


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Ira Robinson

I am seeing a couple things that need to be looked into. First, the screen movement is not smooth at all. The problem is very pronounced scrolling in and out. In fact the overall response became very slow and jerky the longer I was on. A restart did not change anything.


So I'm guessing that you are still working on the sectorization protocols, because the next thing I see a problem with that and, by default, the FIR boundaries. For example right now BOS_E_CTR is online and it's showing the area [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned. But it is not showing the entire ZBW airspace, so if a pilot is looking he is going to see uncontrolled airspace when it isn't.


Also, one of the sectors of NY_SW_CTR doesn't correctly show shared ownership of the sector with ZBW. And WRI_APP has taken over pretty much all of the KPHL sectors, with only one DEP sector indicated. Is there a rule that prioritizes what is shown and what isn't? I applaud the attempt to create the detail you have but I have to wonder what it would take to get all of that right, and then keep it current.


On the positive side, I like what you have done when you click on an aircraft. Showing the detail, the flightplan and visual mapping is great. The same for whenyou choose an airport. Is there a plan for this to pop-up when you simply point or roll-over same?


Not sure what the difference between the visual highlighting between the CTR controlled ARTCC's.


If it helps any this is what the debugger had when I looked just before I signed off:

Current Version: 1.0.1

JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'childNodes' of undefined on line 208 for file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Accomeap/resources/app.asar/scripts/settings.js

JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'nodeValue' of undefined on line 129 for file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Accomeap/resources/app.asar/scripts/settings.js

JavaScript error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'nodeValue' of undefined on line 766 for file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Accomeap/resources/app.asar/scripts/settings.js


Ira Robinson

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Andrew Ogden

Hello Ira, again thanks for the feedback, it really helps us enhance the program for everyone.

First, the screen movement is not smooth at all. The problem is very pronounced scrolling in and out. In fact the overall response became very slow and jerky the longer I was on. A restart did not change anything.

The program is designed to be slightly jerky while panning around the screen. This is an intentional feature to prevent unnecessary code from triggering causing the application to lag after a few data updates. The map would be unusable after a few refresh cycles if this wasn't implemented.

So I'm guessing that you are still working on the sectorization protocols, because the next thing I see a problem with that and, by default, the FIR boundaries. For example right now BOS_E_CTR is online and it's showing the area [Mod - Happy Thoughts]igned. But it is not showing the entire ZBW airspace, so if a pilot is looking he is going to see uncontrolled airspace when it isn't.


Also, one of the sectors of NY_SW_CTR doesn't correctly show shared ownership of the sector with ZBW. And WRI_APP has taken over pretty much all of the KPHL sectors, with only one DEP sector indicated. Is there a rule that prioritizes what is shown and what isn't? I applaud the attempt to create the detail you have but I have to wonder what it would take to get all of that right, and then keep it current.

We are still in the process of completing sectors, and this will indeed be an ongoing process. If you see something that is wrong, or if something needs to be added, we have a fancy feature in our website where you can submit an airspace change for us to implement! Link: http://accomeap-project.com/sectors.

Andrew Ogden
Gander Oceanic OCA Chief
Vancouver FIR Senior Instructor

Visit us: https://ganderoceanic.ca
Contact: a.ogden@vatcan.ca 


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Thimo Koolen

The application notified me of a new update. It downloaded the program fine and said not to close the application. Downloading was finished, installer was opened but it needed to close the Accomeap application (this wasn't done automatically). I chose the "close application" option on the installer, but it was unable to close Accomeap.


So the automatic updater doesn't really work that well yet.


ACCNL4 (Training Director) - Dutch VACC

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Andrew Ogden
Posted (edited)
The application notified me of a new update. It downloaded the program fine and said not to close the application. Downloading was finished, installer was opened but it needed to close the Accomeap application (this wasn't done automatically). I chose the "close application" option on the installer, but it was unable to close Accomeap.

We have had some bizarre problems with the auto updater in the past, and we understand that this is the case.

If you were able to download the update in the Accomeap client, but either the installer didnt open, or you recieved the same problem as Thimo, navigate to %appdata%/Accomeap, and run the "accomeap-install.exe" file. If you do not have this file or the download was not successful, re download it from our website, http://accomeap-project.com/#download

And, if the update downloaded, the installer ran, and the program re-opened, then welcome to V1.0.1!

Edited by Guest

Andrew Ogden
Gander Oceanic OCA Chief
Vancouver FIR Senior Instructor

Visit us: https://ganderoceanic.ca
Contact: a.ogden@vatcan.ca 


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Andrew Ogden

-accidental double post, removed-

Andrew Ogden
Gander Oceanic OCA Chief
Vancouver FIR Senior Instructor

Visit us: https://ganderoceanic.ca
Contact: a.ogden@vatcan.ca 


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Eoin Motherway 1315348


A bug was recently found that prevented Accomeap from auto-updating. If you continue to receive update alerts after downloading the update. Please re-download Accomeap from this page:



You can also alternatively navigate to "%appdata%/Accomeap", and then run the accomeap-install.exe file within.

We apologize for the inconvenience.


We are always on the lookout for more bugs, if you have any, please report them.

C1 Controller

/O Pacific Oceanic Endorsement

BICC_FSS (Iceland Radio) Endorsement

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Thimo Koolen

I just noticed if I drag the sides to make the screen bigger, it doesn't change the size of the map but instead creates just a white space.




ACCNL4 (Training Director) - Dutch VACC

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Michael Pike

V1.1.0 is a big improvement guys. Well done. A few new features too already!

The 'MAP CENTRE' setting is very useful - how about a button in there to set the current map centre as the default without having to know the cords.

Mike Pike


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