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Alternate to port forwarding?

Hardik Ramnani 1351523

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Hardik Ramnani 1351523

Hello! I am having the issue with vpilot and am unable to fly on vatsim due to me not being able to listen to the controllers instruction since it just silents off due to port forwarding issue...And I am unable to insert the port forwarding fix since my ISP itself has disabled port forwarding configs at the moment..this issue is only with vpilot and nothing else..when i transmit the controllers can hear me and i can here them for like a minute or so, and then its all silent again, and yes i have checked if the comm is actually active or not..

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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse

To clarify a couple of things:


1. All voice clients, both pilot and ATC, are affected by port forwarding, not just vPilot.

2. It's not that you CAN'T fly on VATSIM, it's just that your ISP is making it difficult for you, and you would have to key your PTT for at least a millisecond every minute or so. I'm not trying to minimize that -- it's a cruddy situation.


Many people, myself included, over the years have asked if there's a way to avoid port forwarding. The answer I've always heard was no, but I'm very interested if someone's gotten around it.

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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