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Staff vacancy: VATEUD3 Assistant training director

Martin Georg 811874

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Martin Georg 811874

Dear VATEUD members,



unfortunately for the whole VATEU division, our [Mod - Happy Thoughts]istant training director Nicklas Jansson has been offered a new job opportunity at Australia, which will not allow him to continue with his duties as VATEUD3. Therefore, it´s my task now to announce Nicklas´ resignation, which already took place over the fall. Fortunate to us, he had almost finished a major rewrite of the VATEUD training docomeents just before, and we are very thankful for his work in total, and in particular for these docs. Until now, Tom George has filled the gap that Nicklas has left, and we are also very thankful for that!


Nicklas, all the best in Australia - have a great time there!




VATSIM Europe division is now accepting applications for the position of VATEUD3 - [Mod - Happy Thoughts]istant training director.


Applications will be accepted until the end of November 14th, 2006 by vateud1 (at) vateud.org .


Together with VATEUD2, the training director, VATEUD3 is responsible for the operation of the VATEUD training department. Major parts of the TD include the Eurotest system, the vACC support group (which is aimed at new vACC´s needing support to build up their own training structures), the ATC school, the CPT management system, and the VATEUD-TD website, which contains theoretical training ressources intended to compliment eurotest applications.



The primary tasks of the [Mod - Happy Thoughts]istant training director postion are:


- [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ist VATEUD2 in any of his/her duties that may need help

- Monitor "Eurotest" for examinees' aplications requiring manual editing for progress

- [Mod - Happy Thoughts]ist VATEUD2 for Instruction & Tests in Division areas where official Instructors and Examiners do not exist

- Liaise with members having questions on upgrade procedures


This is a very demanding position in VATEUD staff, and you should ensure yourself that you can devote significant time to your work. Excellent knowledge of ATC and flying procedures is a crucial requirement for this position also!



Members applying should also supply the following information:


- the position you are applying for

- Your VATSIM ID, your ATC rating and the vACC you belong to

- A short CV, including prior staff experiences

- Any involvement in DCRM situations, also involving other members

- Other issues, which you as a candidate think is relevant, or important



All vACC directors should forward this information to their local forums or mailinglists. Thanks in advance for your cooperation!

best regards,


Martin Georg


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