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Realistic sim files for tower trainings

Cedric Mohler

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Cedric Mohler
Posted (edited)

Hey all,

I am having a problem where the speed of aircraft on final for our TWR simulations. The default performance data has most aircraft fly to the FAP at about 240 knots, with a deceleration to about 190 knots when they start the descent on the glide slope. The aircraft then decelerate somewhat linearly to about 120 to 150 knots at touchdown.

What I want to simulate:

  1. Aircraft cross the FAP at about 200 knots
  2. Aircraft decelerate to 170 knots
  3. Aircraft fly 170 knots until 5 miles final
  4. Aircraft then decelerate to a reasonable Vapp and land with it
  5. This should work somewhat automatically, I don't want to have to manually adjust speed for every arriving aircraft since I am busy with ground movement

What I tried:

I created perflines, that would make sure, the aircraft has the correct speed at the significant points

eg (For EDDS, FAP at 4000, aerodrome elevation 1200):

PERFLINE:000:200:170:137:000:000:000:2500:1000 //Intention: The aircraft keeps the Vapp to the ground in the descent
PERFLINE:022:200:170:137:000:000:000:2500:1000 //Intention: 1000 above, the aircraft is stable at Vapp
PERFLINE:028:220:200:170:000:000:000:2500:1500 //Intention: 5 Miles final, here the aircraft is still at 170 knots
PERFLINE:040:220:200:170:000:000:000:2500:1500 //Intention: The aircraft keeps speed 200 in level flight. As soon as it starts descending it decelerates to 170 knots

What works well:

  1. The aircraft flies 200 to the FAP, then decelerates to 170 knots

What doesn't work:

  1. The aircraft decelerates to early, it starts to do so at 3200 feet
  2. The aircraft gets to slow on final, here the A320 decelerates to 100 knots ( I also tried AD elevation for the first perfline, same result)

What I think happens:

  1. The aircraft feels the need to decelerate for landing because it is too fast at 5 nm final because of the too low Vapp
  2. Vapp is somehow calculated from the aircraft performance and therefore lower then the last descent speed

Can anyone provide a pointer or has a working solution? Thank you in advance!

Edited by Cedric Mohler


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