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[EPWA] Warsaw New Scenery - launch party.

Krzysztof Nowosad 862391

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Krzysztof Nowosad 862391

A major update to current EPWA scenery is available for download from www.pl-vacc.org -> files -> scenery.


Polish VACC organize a launch party during most of Sunday, so check ATC booking - all pilots are welcome !


This update is for old scenery 1.9d and contains new stands and taxiways.

Currently a new Terminal 2 is in construction in real airport and this update tries to reflect a real situation on aprons and twys.


Scenery is in operational use from Sunday, November 19, 2006.

. Please check current MAPs & NOTAMs valid from 19 NOV 2006 - it will be some restriction for taxing via construction area.

VATSIM | Membership Support Group 2 | k.nowosad at VATSIM dot net

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