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Connecting the new VRC to TWRTrainer or Sweatbox

Chris Brew 814351

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Chris Brew 814351



I've tried to run TWRTrainer with the new VRC (tower view) patched into the multiplayer on FS9 but there was no active multiplayer session available to connect to. I was, however, able to get a MP session up with Sweatbox, but all of the aircraft types were labelled as 'unspecified' and showed up as paper kites. Interesting, but the ultimate would be to run a FS MP session via VRC with TWRTrainer's traffic so students would really be able to train by looking out the window and not just at the radar.


Has anyone been successful in getting this to work out?

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Ross Carlson

I don't know what you mean by "I was, however, able to get a MP session up with Sweatbox" ... can you elaborate?


Note that I have no problems using Tower View while working traffic created by TWRTrainer.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Chris Brew 814351

I was able to get the traffic loaded into ACSim (in conjunction with VRC) to create the MP session for FS9. I wasnt able to do the same thing with traffic loaded into TWRTrainer. With TWRTrainer, when the traffic was loaded up, and when a MP session was generated by VRC, FS9 failed to show that there was a MP session to connect to. I'll have to give it another shot or two.

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Ross Carlson

It must be something else ... the MP session has nothing to do with how traffic is generated ... it can be ACSim, TWRTrainer, or normal VATSIM pilots. There is no logical connection between the traffic generator and VRC's ability to create an MP session.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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  • 3 weeks later...
Chris Brew 814351

Problem fixed. I had my aircraft types defined with the equipment suffixes (eg CRJ7/W) which resulted in the type being not recognized.

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