Ricardo Sousa Posted March 27, 2021 at 02:35 AM Posted March 27, 2021 at 02:35 AM I am updating the fpl remarks with GetFlightPlanData().SetRemarks() followed by GetFlightPlanData().AmendFlightPlan(), and this works fine for a couple of minutes but then kicks me out of the networks, both with 50 aircraft or just 1 aircraft, live or sweatbox server, whats going on? If I don't call AmendFlightPlan() I don't get kicked, but the fpl doesn't seem to register it was updated either, so what am I supposed to do here? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jonas Kuster Posted March 27, 2021 at 01:14 PM Posted March 27, 2021 at 01:14 PM So you are saying the flight plan is effectively not amended at all? Then I would suspect an issue with the instance of the flight plan data object you are using, maybe a use or reference outside the block you are querying? I don't know about a general issue in this regard otherwise. What version of ES are you using? Jonas Kuster Network Supervisor Leader Operation vACC Switzerland | vacc.ch @vaccswitzerland GNG Support Team | gng.aero-nav.com ES Plugin Developer | CCAMS Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ricardo Sousa Posted March 28, 2021 at 12:29 AM Author Posted March 28, 2021 at 12:29 AM This is on beta 25 Without calling AmendFlightPlan() this happens, notice the DOF/ in the flightstrip and the one in the flight plan window If I call AmendFlightPlan() then it gets updated but kicks me out a few minutes later. It's all being done in the same block, to my knowledge at least. This is called on OnGetTagItem(): void ACDMPlugin::CheckEtd(CFlightPlan FlightPlan) { const std::regex dof_regex("DOF\\/\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d\\d"); std::string cs = FlightPlan.GetCallsign(); std::string rmk = FlightPlan.GetFlightPlanData().GetRemarks(); std::string sDof = "DOF/990101"; std::string dofY; std::string dofM; std::string dofD; time_t now = time(0); struct tm* tmEtd = gmtime(&now); std::string etd = FlightPlan.GetFlightPlanData().GetEstimatedDepartureTime(); etd = std::string(4 - etd.length(), '0') + etd; std::string sEtdH = etd.substr(0, 2); std::string sEtdM = etd.substr(2); tmEtd->tm_hour = std::stoi(sEtdH); tmEtd->tm_min = std::stoi(sEtdM); int dofPos = 0; std::smatch base_match; if (std::regex_search(rmk, base_match, dof_regex)) { dofPos = base_match.position(0); sDof = base_match[0].str(); } dofY = sDof.substr(4, 2); dofM = sDof.substr(6, 2); dofD = sDof.substr(8, 2); tmEtd->tm_year = std::stoi("20" + dofY) - 1900; tmEtd->tm_mon = std::stoi(dofM) - 1; tmEtd->tm_mday = std::stoi(dofD); time_t ttEtd = mktime(tmEtd); time_t etdP = ttEtd + 1800; time_t etdM = ttEtd - 1800; if (now <= etdM || now >= etdP) { now += 1800; struct tm* nowTm = gmtime(&now); std::string delayH = std::to_string(nowTm->tm_hour); std::string delayM = std::to_string(nowTm->tm_min); delayH = std::string(2 - delayH.length(), '0') + delayH; delayM = std::string(2 - delayM.length(), '0') + delayM; std::string newDofY = std::to_string(nowTm->tm_year + 1900 - 2000); std::string newDofM = std::to_string(nowTm->tm_mon + 1); std::string newDofD = std::to_string(nowTm->tm_mday); newDofY = std::string(2 - newDofY.length(), '0') + newDofY; newDofM = std::string(2 - newDofM.length(), '0') + newDofM; newDofD = std::string(2 - newDofD.length(), '0') + newDofD; std::string newDof = "DOF/" + newDofY + newDofM + newDofD; std::string finalRmk = rmk.substr(0, dofPos) + newDof + rmk.substr((dofPos + 10)); FlightPlan.GetFlightPlanData().SetEstimatedDepartureTime( (delayH + delayM).c_str() ); FlightPlan.GetFlightPlanData().SetRemarks(finalRmk.c_str() ); //FlightPlan.GetFlightPlanData().AmendFlightPlan(); } } Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jan Fries Posted April 11, 2021 at 01:14 PM Posted April 11, 2021 at 01:14 PM Hi, I haven't read too much into what exactly happens in your code, but it seems that AmendFlightPlan() is called every time the if criteria above are met. So potentially this would be called every second or so (how often GetTagItem() is called) thus flooding the server with "AmendFlightPlan". So I think what happens is that the Vatsim-Server is seeing an attack on their servers and thus kicking you out. You might want to add if (FlightPlan.GetFlightPlanData().IsAmended()) above the AmendFlightplan, since a flightplan can only be amended once anyway. So it only gets called once and it should work fine. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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