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Can VPilot cause PC to freeze

  • ?

Ian Chalmers

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Ian Chalmers

Has it been known, or, is it possible for VPilot to cause a PC and sim to totally freeze. I have had totally random events, interspersed with totally trouble free flights,  where my sim P3D, flying a PMDG 737NGXu has suddenly with no warning, no input, no navigation change, no ATC chatter,  nor controller dialogue suddenly frozen to a literal screenshot. There is no keyboard control, no mouse movement or input, the sound instantly becomes just a buzz. None of the keyboard commands: Esc, Crtl+Alt+Del, Alt+F4, Alt+Tab, flicking the PC On/Off etc, etc function, literally nothing works apart from the reset button. On restarting the PC there is no Event Viewer log apart from a Kernel 41 for an unexpected shutdown which is normal as I caused the shutdown. Nor is there anything on AppCrashView. Checking the CPU temps immediately, before they could have cooled down show nominal temperatures. I've enquired on the PMDG forum about similar occurrences and apart from one instance where the PC specs are barely adequate for P3D there is no history of this type of failure.

I'm surmising that a possible cause, and I'm guessing, could be that as VPilot is run with Admin rights enabled and hence shares focus with the sim something has caused the PC to lock onto an event in VPilot and is stuck waiting for that event to finish. Thinking along those lines I physically disconnected from the internet but that gave no response, my PC didn't even complain that there was no internet connection. My specs are good for P3D and PMDG i9-10850K CPU @ 3.60GHz, 16GB DDR4, 10GB RTX3080, 1TB SSD & 2TB HDD. I'm clutching at straws in the wind for an explanation. Any opinions?

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  • Board of Governors
Don Desfosse

I'm not going to say it's impossible, but there have been nearly 200,000 members using vPilot over the last 7.5 years and I don't recall ever hearing that vPilot actually caused a PC to freeze.  The Developer is active on the forums, and I'm sure can add some color if need be; he would remember better than I.

Don Desfosse
Vice President, Operations

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Ross Carlson

I don't recall any report like that either.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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