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Vpilot not finding all model folders

Matthew Kemp

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Matthew Kemp

OS: Windows 10

Platform: FSX

Version: v3.0.6


Hi - Previously I have been using IVAO_MTL2 model library for model matching on VATSIM. I have updated the "atc_models" and "atc_parking_codes" in the aircraft.cfg files of the downloaded IVAO files to ensure vpilot can recognise them. I've recently refreshed my IVAO_MTL2 models (added a few new repaints) and updated vpilot to v3.0.6. However, vpilot is now only finding some of the models. I have tried "Rescan" and restarting my laptop and "Rescan" but the problem remains. The previous versions of vpilot found all of the IVAO_MTL2 models. Any ideas what could be causing this?






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Ross Carlson

Can you post the ModelScanResult-Fsx.xml file from your vPilot folder?

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Ross Carlson

The IVAO_B77L section of the file is empty. This means vPilot found no models in the aircraft.cfg file that is within that folder. Can you post that aircraft.cfg file for me?

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Ross Carlson

The file is missing the Category entry. It needs to have a category of "airplane" or "helicopter" in order for vPilot to recognize it. This is a change I made with version 3 in order to prevent cluttering up the model list with stuff like SODE jetway objects.


Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Matthew Kemp

Okay. I'll have to manually check all my aircraft.cfg's because I've lost ~100 models since the v3 update. Good to know why now though. Thanks!


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Ross Carlson

If I find that there are a lot of model sets that don't properly specify the category, I may update vPilot such that it includes any models that have a category of airplane or helicopter, as well as any models that don't specify any category at all. I won't do that just for the IVAO model set, though, since I don't want to take deliberate action to support the use of IVAO's models on VATSIM, as they only want their models used on their own network.

Developer: vPilot, VRC, vSTARS, vERAM, VAT-Spy

Senior Controller, Boston Virtual ARTCC

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Matthew Kemp

Understandable and fair enough. I am the edge case that sims on a gaming laptop without the ability to expand the disk space so I try to optimise my use of AI models for all networks


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